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  1. jden092901

    k...just a little question

    i have a 10 gallon tank...I got two clowns, same kind and bought the same day. I have had them for about a month now. The larger one is chasing the smaller one like mad...he is loosing his color and just doesnt look good. I asked this yeserday, and im pretty sure its a game of who is female...
  2. jden092901

    clown help

    Hey, thanks for the help...Thats kinda what I thought. There both the same type and got them the same day. When I got them the larger one was bigger then also. I fig its just them trying to decide who is female and who is male. THe one getting chased is so stressed he has lost a lot of his...
  3. jden092901

    clown help

    10 gallon tank with two clowns. The larger is chasing the smaller one so much that the small one is losing its color and looking pretty weak. Is this normal behavior, or do we need to do something to help out the little guy...
  4. jden092901

    Help help...

    Cool..thanks, ill put a little pump in there and the temp always stays im good there.. Thanks a bunch for all of your help...hope he dont eat all my stuff today while im at I have had him for a few weeks now, he is just starting to do this. Thanks again Josh
  5. jden092901

    Help help...

    now for the bucket....If I did a water change, putting the water in a bucket and placed the star in the bucket with a lid, it would be ok for a day or so..wouldnt it?
  6. jden092901

    Help help...

    OK. I have been spot feeding him every 2-3 days. He comes to the top of the tank, puts his arms back and i put it on and he eats it. He has just been moving around more...wanting to eat things that I dont want him to eat. Think he is going to go back to the LFS. I wanna get me some...
  7. jden092901

    Help help...

    I have a chocolate star...and was told that if I keep him happy he will not eat anything in my tank...he ate some of my stuff...I'm going to take him back to the store..or make a take for him. Would it be ok if I put him in a bucket of saltwater with lid on it until wednesday? I soooooo dont...
  8. jden092901

    Red gorgonian or Red ball sponge?????

    So a sponge would be ok then?
  9. jden092901

    Red gorgonian or Red ball sponge?????

    Would a red gorgonian or red ball sponge work in a 10 gallon?
  10. jden092901

    Would any of these work in my 10 gallon?

    thats cool...i would love to have it.
  11. jden092901

    Would any of these work in my 10 gallon?

    How does your lettuce do? I would love to get one, but hear there a pain and if they die your tank will crash. I dont really have anything to suck it filter, but its in a way that it wont. (I guess it could happen)
  12. jden092901

    Would any of these work in my 10 gallon?

    I wanna get one of these...tell me if it would work? 1- Pink and Black Cuke 2- Red Gorgonian 3- Red ball sponge Would these work, if not, would would be cool for a 10 gallon?
  13. jden092901

    Check out some of my tank friends

  14. jden092901

    Could someone tell me there norm behavior

    What do you mean floppy....its standing up still..just leaning a J...but its not floppy..
  15. jden092901

    feather duster not coming out

    O no, i was just teasing...I dont know much about feather dusters, so im glade you told me this. Thanks for your help man...He did come out for a while...His tube part, at the top where it is out, is bent now..used to be straight...thist norm..right? Josh
  16. jden092901

    Could someone tell me there norm behavior

    I have a feather duster, its a hawaiian feather I think. What is there normal behavior like? The tube part, where it comes out is curved now..It used to stand strait up. Is that normal. He hasnt come out much in the past day or so. My other feather duster is doing really good...Do they...
  17. jden092901

    Give it time or what?

    Nevermind...its ok..its out now...turned my lights off and whala...He is out at full spread....Thanks yall
  18. jden092901

    Give it time or what?

    how long do feather dusters stay inside? I have a large feather duster...he is doing really well...always out...I touched it ( by accident) and it hasnt come out all that long do they go inside for??? It is normally out all the time... Josh
  19. jden092901

    feather duster not coming out

    Its about a week old...It's been doing great..just not coming out today...Didnt know if there was anything I had to do. If I needed to move it somewhere else...(just asking questions, so dont get fussy with me...)
  20. jden092901

    feather duster not coming out

    My big feather duster wont come out. I touched it, it went in and has been in all day? I touch it and can feel it go in it ok?