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  1. jden092901

    chocolate chip star

    does anyone have a chocolate chip star?
  2. jden092901

    k...u tell me what this is

    thats wierd. that would be kinda sweet.
  3. jden092901


    I just got my first 2 fish..i have a 10 gallon tank with live rock and sand...nothing else..but 2 clowns and one blue hermit. One of my smaller clowns is being chased and bitten by the bigger one..i saw him latch on and wouldnt let go..think its the domant concern is i see just a few...
  4. jden092901

    would a water change help?

    I dont know for sure, but i THINK on of my new clowns has ick..He is swimming ok, acting ok, eating, just has like one or two very small white bubble type things on him...white things...looks like ick, but doesnt. I have done african cichlids for a while...they got ick...this is just hard to...
  5. jden092901

    k...u tell me what this is

    new to my tank..its live fiji
  6. jden092901

    k...u tell me what this is

    i wasnt really had a round body...and the bottom kinda flaired out...and used its bottom to move around..and its large round head was poking up...kinda like a ocotpus.
  7. jden092901

    k...u tell me what this is

    I just looked in the back of my tank and saw this little thing...its clear...has 2 really small redish kinda looks like a little ghost. it was moving around on the i cant see it.
  8. jden092901

    how do i lower ph

    now is there ick meds that I can get, that safe for you crabs,lr and sand?
  9. jden092901

    how do i lower ph

    ok...i was reading lastnight that I was to keep my ph at 8.2...How do you keep your level of PH the same all the time?
  10. jden092901

    how do i lower ph

    my ph is in between 8.3 and do i lower it a little?
  11. jden092901

    HELP...It may just be ick

    I have a deep 6 hydrometer, it works pretty good. We did a compair on my friends tank...Do u think its ick?
  12. jden092901

    HELP...It may just be ick

    I just got my first 2 fish...2 clowns. I have a 10 gallon tank, no corals..just live rock and sand. I also have just one blue hermit crab. I think one of my smaller clowns has ick...the bigger clown looks good, and he wont leave the little one alone..i saw him bite him and hold on...he is...
  13. jden092901

    Feeding my clown

    I just got 2 clowns..there both very happy and ate when I got them into the tank...What is the best amount to feed them? Once a day...everyotherday?
  14. jden092901

    Do they have to be wild?

    So, is it ness to buy a WILD or would tank raised be just as good...u tell me..
  15. jden092901

    Do they have to be wild?

    I want to get some clowns...I want to get a pulsing xenia...would the clown go in there? Do clowns have to be wild to go into an anemone..or anything?
  16. jden092901

    would this work on these fish?????

    I have a ten gallon that is in the cycle...when its ready I would like to get a clown fish..and a purple firefish. Would it be ok if i only had one clown and one purple firefish...I want to have 2 clowns and one purple firefish..I did a post on this a little while ago, but moved
  17. jden092901

    Tell me what is best

    Thanks...Doesnt flake food raise it? So, before I buy them ask to see the fish eat? Have you ever seen a purple firefish? Now that is a cool fish. Josh
  18. jden092901

    Tell me what is best

    When my tank has finished the cycle, I want to get 2 clowns. I also love the firefish. Would 2 clowns and a fire fish be too much for a 10 gall? Or, would it be ok to get one clown and one firefish?
  19. jden092901

    what kind should I get?

    Hey, What does BUMP mean? I forgot what you said to get on my lights. It seems hard to find lights for a 10 gallon tank. I have some cold cathoid lights I just hooked up (blue ones) for night. I put 2 in there and wow, its pretty bright. Looks really nice with the reg light on and the blue...
  20. jden092901

    here are some of my freshwater pics...

    It's fun to have both I think. I am new to the salt, and its so fun...I will always have some Cichlids...I love my sp-44's.