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  1. jden092901

    10 gallon tank, and my blue hippo

    Ya, thats how it goes. I always look in our local adds, you always see the "getting divorced, corals and tank must go". Its really sad, I bet I see that twice a month.
  2. jden092901

    10 gallon tank, and my blue hippo

    Ya, what a good think my wife would do this: ....and I would do this: . Resulting in a fight...then after the fight with my wife, I would do this:
  3. jden092901

    10 gallon tank, and my blue hippo

    I wasn’t trying to cause problems…I’m sorry If I offended any of you. However, I must divulge that there are many individuals on this website that are awfully discourteous when acquiring for help. People come to this website for help, to ask questions expecting supportive responses. When I...
  4. jden092901

    10 gallon tank, and my blue hippo

    Sorry guys...I was joking...I thought it would be funny to see eveyone say....what the hell? 10 gallons? Its funny how some people respond to questions. Have a good day
  5. jden092901

    10 gallon tank, and my blue hippo

    I have a 10 gallon tank, and my blue hippo tang has white dots all over him. What is wrong with him. I just got him a few days ago. He swims around like crazy, back and forth. He is about 4 inchs.
  6. jden092901

    green daisy polyps

    I just got a green daisy polyp rock. I have a 30 gallon tank, 150 wat metal hals with 20k bulb. Where is the best place to put them. I put the rock on the top, it fits and looks so good there. I just worrie that its to high, and the current is too much there. Do you think it will do ok up...
  7. jden092901

    Whats the best way

    What a good idea. I'll have to try and rig somthing up. I'm still trying to get my cal where I want it to be. Its around 320 now, and my alk is 12. So When I get my cal around 400 my alk should drop to around 9. Then I'll try and get a 2 part dosing kit. Thanks for you help man. Josh
  8. jden092901

    Whats the best way

    I have a 30 gallon tank, no sump...I have a skillter...what do you mean by the expansion tube? When you use the baking soda, do you have to bake it first to raise it...and normal to lower it?
  9. jden092901

    Whats the best way

    I'm using some purple up, to help with my calcium. I'm at 320 now, trying to get it up to 400, it was 240 when I started. I cant remember which way was what...when you use baking soda to raise and lower your ph, how do you use it. When you bake it, does it make it higher, or lower. I cant...
  10. jden092901

    Scallop help...Just got one, dont know much about them...

    Thats funny...there so neat. Read my post about the proper ph really worried
  11. jden092901

    PH proper 8.2...just put it in and corals closed up

    My ph was low, 7.8...I got some proper ph 8.2...(two pack) followed the directions. I took about a gallon of my water out in a bucket, mixed one package up (for 20 gallons, my tank is a 30) and put it back into the tank. All my corals closed up big this normal?
  12. jden092901

    Ph is low, what should I do?

    Just tested water, everything was right on the spot, except for the PH...which read 7.8. What should I do? Dont wanna hurt any of my corals, clams, ect. I know there is "PH +-" you can get to keep it at 8.2, does that work?
  13. jden092901

    Scallop help...Just got one, dont know much about them...

    lol..yes..nice way to point at it. I never would have thought of that. :) That is it. Thanks
  14. jden092901

    Scallop help...Just got one, dont know much about them...

    here is a picture of it, and it sure didnt look like a bristle worm. I did some reading about them before I got it. You can not know EVERYTHING there is to know about them until you have one. I read a lot, and didnt find anything about this, hense my Here are some pics of it...
  15. jden092901

    Scallop help...Just got one, dont know much about them...

    thats what im doing here, asking questions.
  16. jden092901

    Scallop help...Just got one, dont know much about them...

    I just got a Flame Scallop, it is so pretty. While looking at it we saw a little worm like think crawling out of his mouth area...he was red like the scallop. It looked like it was part of the scallop, like his tounge was sticking What is it? Josh
  17. jden092901


    I have metal hals, 150 wat with 20k Bulb. Im getting some ricordia today, where would be the best place to put them? Should I put them in the lower part of the tank, kinda in the shade? I had some rics that died a few weeks ago, I think something was bugging them...they were all stressed from...
  18. jden092901

    Help...think Ricordea Is Dying

    my water parameters are with-in normal limits, all very good. There in the bottom area of my tank, on a rock. I have 150 wat 20k metal hal lights. everything else in my tank is doing really good. The other ricordea I got next to it is doing great. This one is just all the sudden not. Was...
  19. jden092901

    Help...think Ricordea Is Dying

    My new ricordea, orange and blue looks like its dying. It was doing so good! Now it looks like its loosing some color, not as "full" and has slim stuff all over it. What the heck is going on?
  20. jden092901

    what's the best way to feed harlequin shrimp

    o wow...I watched the deep blue , think thats what it was, where the HS would carry the star away, to keep him feed for months so they could eat. They are so neat, sounds mean, but they are one of my fav. Do you think I would be safe to put a chocolate chip star, a small one on his back in my...