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  1. jackief1

    NM, Bang, or Kip

    Due to the problem with one certain individual, I am one of those who chose to leave. However, I have been lurking and read the thread posted by NM talking about the beautiful reef tanks posted by the members of this board and highlighting Steve Weast's (sp) massive tank... My question is this...
  2. jackief1

    OT, End of the World

    Originally posted by Thomas712 Perhaps I should close this now before we all start playing a game of risk. Thomas Please do, Thomas! We have plenty of this kind of talk going on right now elsewhere. Most of us come here to relax and enjoy life and our beautiful friends from the sea and...
  3. jackief1

    hey all, its just me bluefin with a different name checkin in.

    he didn't leave, he got banned for being completely obnoxious, continually starting and taking threads way off topic and, i think, using profanity, among other things, after many warnings i might add.... i am all for giving someone a second chance, but, imo, this young person will not last long...
  4. jackief1

    nitrate levels

    IMO, the biggest issue we have here is the irresponsibility of the majority of Bob's posts. He seems to favor answering newbie's questions with his suggestions long proven to be out-dated and better solved with newer and more up to date methods. We have to remember that this particular section...
  5. jackief1

    nitrate levels

    sorry, temporary insanity.....
  6. jackief1

    nitrate levels

    ok, i can't stand it anymore! i have sat back and read this crap as long as i can.... bob, what are you trying to do? you spend half your time trying to alienate every knowledgable hobbiest here with your off the wall and antiquated ravings and the other half trying to convince newbies to...
  7. jackief1

    Worlds ugliest tank

    No thanks, Bang. I have tried too hard and too long to be a part of this little "clique" and I just give up. I am tired of getting stomped on by people who think they know more than they do and by petty females who seem to have nothing better to do than spend all day flirting with men on a SWF...
  8. jackief1

    BYE BYE tigerlover

    Tiger, I am very sorry you are having problems at home. Maybe there is a school counselor or pastor or friends parent who you can talk to and maybe help you. Life is tough sometimes, for kids and adults, and sometimes how we react to those bad times is what makes us an adult or a kid. I know...
  9. jackief1

    I have to say this about an order from

    Sounds great, Phil! Post a pic for us when you can!
  10. jackief1

    Pictures of my fish tank

    Yes, Buzz, you have a good point. It is just hard not to respond to all the inconsistencies in her posts. There are so many new people (and yes, I am relatively new myself) who will take her claims as valid and most of them are questionable.
  11. jackief1

    Pictures of my fish tank

    BigMac, I have already asked that question....I am not convinced at this point that she even has a tank. I could be wrong, of course, we all are at times, but that is the conclusion I have come to.
  12. jackief1

    Pictures of my fish tank

    Melissa, you are so right! I think the main issue here is that this person needs attention so badly that she comes here and posts all this stuff just to get someone to pay attention to her, even if it is negative. And then when someone calls her on her different stories, she waits for someone...
  13. jackief1

    Pictures of my fish tank

    This is starting to sound just like the "Who's fault is it?" thread... :rolleyes:
  14. jackief1

    Pictures of my fish tank

    Tasha, be honest, is this even really your tank?? No one could make the uproar you did last week about the sea apple only to go out and buy all these fish this fast! I have read some unbelieveable stuff on this board, but you have to be the all-time winner for bad decisions....
  15. jackief1

    Pictures of my fish tank

    I just feel sorry for the fish..... :( BTW, why are you planning to buy another sea apple when you said one wiped out your tank a week or so ago?
  16. jackief1

    ID help

    I was doing a search for spaghetti worms and came across this....kinda harsh, don't you think killer???
  17. jackief1

    I am such a dork. But, how many of you try and impress opposite sex with your reefs?

    Over!!! You are sooooooo bad!! lol :eek: :p :rolleyes:
  18. jackief1

    I am such a dork. But, how many of you try and impress opposite sex with your reefs?

    lol....Maybe so but when you get to the "middle-ages" like myself, you realize most men are more trouble than they are worth (jk) especially after you have picked up your 993rd pair of boxers, etc., off the floor! lol That whole aspect was supposed to get better when my husband started being...
  19. jackief1

    I am such a dork. But, how many of you try and impress opposite sex with your reefs?

    WOMEN TRAPPING MALES?!?!?!? come on ht, you know that is an old wives tale and an excuse men use when they don't want to admit they are the ones who did the trapping with their sneaky ways of "not needing a woman"! roflmao!!! :p
  20. jackief1

    I am such a dork. But, how many of you try and impress opposite sex with your reefs?

    My husband doesn't say much about my tank since he is in the military and only comes twice a year, if I am lucky! I guess, in a way, since my husband is gone all the time and my kids are grown and have lives of their own, they give me hours of enjoyment (no snickering here, it's not weird or...