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  1. jumpfrog

    Long Weekend, Why Not a 12 pack?

    perc checking out the alveopora
  2. jumpfrog

    Long Weekend, Why Not a 12 pack?

    pair of cleaners hanging out for the weekend
  3. jumpfrog

    Long Weekend, Why Not a 12 pack?

    flourescent shrooms
  4. jumpfrog

    Long Weekend, Why Not a 12 pack?

    some hairy shrooms
  5. jumpfrog

    Long Weekend, Why Not a 12 pack?

  6. jumpfrog

    Long Weekend, Why Not a 12 pack?

    Colt close up
  7. jumpfrog

    Long Weekend, Why Not a 12 pack?

    Still trying to get the hang of digital camera. Here's some things going on in my reef this weekend.
  8. jumpfrog

    Off Topic Stuff: Seen any good movies lately?

    We're the home movie types too. Big Screen and the surround sound makes all the difference. Best we've seen in a while was Basic. Was suprised to the end! All time favorite would have to be The Wind and Lion. Big Sean Connery fan.
  9. jumpfrog

    Bo, Wolf Eel

    Bo, sorry to hear that. Does that mean your Undulated is no longer with you?
  10. jumpfrog

    Another coral ID

    ^^ still hoping someone knows what this is:confused:
  11. jumpfrog

    Help with coral ID please

    That's gorgeous. Where did you place yours. I've put mine toward the bottom and it has just a little flow coming it's way. Under 260 watts pc in a 72.
  12. jumpfrog

    Another coral ID

    Thanks NMReef. I have it well away from anything else in the tank. Ironically, where I used to keep my galaxia. It does have similarities to the galaxia but with just the individual polyps by themselves it's hard to tell. I had a hard time getting any kind of pic due to where I placed it...
  13. jumpfrog

    Not a 6-pak...

    Very nice! My office tank is a fw community tank. Would love to have a reef in here but then I'd never get out of the office. Thanks for sharing.
  14. jumpfrog

    Bo, Wolf Eel

    Bo, you mentioned a while back you were considering a wolf eel. Just wanted to let you know that Jim over at Aquarium Fantasies has two in right now. They've been there for a couple of weeks are look healthy. I got mine from him at four inches and now he's over a foot. Probably the most...
  15. jumpfrog

    i need food for my kids lol

    Lora do a search on "sand eels" and you'll find a good vendor. Just look for locals who then can help you out. Unfortunately these things are seasonal. But, I'm told the season is about to some back in. Ordering up a year's supply this time. Good Luck!
  16. jumpfrog

    filtration for my 125

    I too am using the Nautilus TE with a 20 gallon sump and bio balls. Very happy with both!
  17. jumpfrog

    Help with coral ID please

    Thanks skilos. I knew it wouldn't take someone very long. How's the new set up doing? Ready for the Southern Cal game?
  18. jumpfrog

    COTW:Scroll, cup, pagoda.....

    Good Job Debi! An excellent timing. I'm pondering one for my tank and have been doing some research. Thanks!
  19. jumpfrog

    Another coral ID

    My LFS gave me these pieces that fell of the main coral. The main coloney was similar to a galaxia in that it had many small hard tubes with the polyp coming out from each. Here's a pic of a few pieces I stuck in a rock hoping they will multiply. Anyone know what they are?
  20. jumpfrog

    Help with coral ID please

    under 03: