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  1. jumpfrog

    Saturday Night Bath

    Ooh, ooh my back
  2. jumpfrog

    Saturday Night Bath

    Scarlet Cleaner for some face work:
  3. jumpfrog

    Saturday Night Bath

    My YT figured hey, it's Saturday Night, why not a bath? Thought the pics turned out cool and I'd share: Neon Goby for the big stuff
  4. jumpfrog

    For Toby Fans

    Here's Lookin' at Ya!
  5. jumpfrog

    Answer a question and then ask a question

    A. I keep my reef around 420-450 Q. Is dripping calc necessary if you only have softies and lps's
  6. jumpfrog

    A group of reef safe wrasses together?

    I love my fairy wrasse and they can do small groups if added at the same time.
  7. jumpfrog

    Looking to buy a digital Camera

    I've found the closer I am to the subject the harder it is to get a stop action photo without flash. If you're up close or using macro you'll probably need to use the flash to get clear shots of your fish. The only other option would be to have supplemental lighting and select a fast shutter...
  8. jumpfrog

    Colt fragging help

    Head on over to and do a search. They have a pretty good step by step procedure.
  9. jumpfrog

    Neophyte here - please help

    Some have had success putting a large wrasse and a harlequin in the tank at the same time. Seems to minimize aggression if they both arrive together. I think that will be an awesome tank. Good Luck!
  10. jumpfrog

    Impressive Replacment Fish

    RANE: I wouldn't put one in a reef. They search all day for food and will eat anything that moves. Part of their search technique is to turn over rocks and catch what ever is under it. Not a pretty sight with corals. As for cost, I think I gave around 50 for mine. He's almost done changing...
  11. jumpfrog

    Pep Shrimp?

    It doesn't need to be real close. Just in the general area. They'll come out and get it. The point I wanted to make was to not let survive on scraps only. They're scavengers by nature but we want them to have enough to be healthy and thrive. I've found in time that the peps will come out...
  12. jumpfrog


    NMReef; No sweat man. You're actually a bit of an inspiration for me. Like your take on tangs. What's working for me is some dedicated water change routines, heavy skimming and large wet dry. Checked my numbers Sunday and the nitrates are up a bit as expected but everything else is fine...
  13. jumpfrog

    Pep Shrimp?

    Yep, peps for the most part stay in or around ledges, caves etc. They need to feel secure. You should see them get active when you feed the rest of your tank. Mine east most everything they can get their little claws on from flake food to krill or pellets. Make sure when you feed that you...
  14. jumpfrog

    Help my tang!

    Are you sure it's not a stress response? Tangs will sometimes almost turn white in reaction to stress. It should go back to normal though after a short while.
  15. jumpfrog

    Final Fish selection

    Firefish are pretty skittish. How long have the tang and clown been in the tank? They may not kill the firefish but my bet is that you won't see it too often. It will stay hidden. I like the angel idea if your tank's been up for better than 6 months. Otherwise a royal gramma or dottyback...
  16. jumpfrog


    These guys plus a SFE, Zebra Moray, Unkown Moray and Wolf Eel.
  17. jumpfrog

    Overflow Gods I need help

    Yep! Good Luck! It seems like this plumbing stuff is really hard at first. Once you actually build and test it will all make sense. Go ahead and get your first flood out of the way and you'll know you've made it:D Just kidden' of course. edit: Jeremy I just noticed you're in Lawrence. One...
  18. jumpfrog

    Looking to buy a digital Camera

    Rye's the expert but print quality is determined mostly by how much data the camera can capture. The higher the resolution (megapixels) the better the print. If you want to stick to 5x7 and smaller generally 3 megapixels are adequate. Any larger I would go with 4 or 5 megapixel to ensure...
  19. jumpfrog


    ROCK, excuse the intrusion please. Kip, what's the technique with Win2000?
  20. jumpfrog

    New Tank

    I like the size of a 29 and I think they can make excellent reef tanks. Large enough to accomodate a wide range of corals and less expensive to light. Can't do many fish though. If you can, opt to use a sump system from the start. Only thing in the tank then is the overflow, rest in the...