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  1. jumpfrog

    Naso feeding question

    Debi; Hopefully it will just take some time. I would make more trips to the tank to get him used to the idea. After a while he should understand that he's safe. Your YT is just reacting to the fast movement, regardless of who's making it (in this case the naso). I can tell you that in my...
  2. jumpfrog

    FOWLR tanks

    My 125 with huma, niger, naso, sailfin, coris, valentini, tomato, foxface and some eels.
  3. jumpfrog

    red coris and a mandarin

    Do you have a large enough pod population to support both the wrasse and the mandarin? While the coris will eat other things they will grab any pod they can get to. Just a thought.
  4. jumpfrog

    Fresh Water Mollies

    I acclimated some over a period of a couple hours. Took them to about 1.019. Since I've brought it up to about 22 and they're fine. Have babies every 4-6 weeks. Here they are with a mated pair of orange skunk clowns.
  5. jumpfrog

    Questions about fragging a colt....

    If you go to garf dot org you will find a good article explaining how to prop colts. This is the title: The "The Trouble With Soft Branching Corals" I have one that is growing like yours, but I'm a bit nervous about cutting.
  6. jumpfrog

    Fresh water tank conversion to FOWLR

    Plum, great question. I'm looking at the same thing in the near future. One of my nieces is giving up a fresh tank to me and I'm going to convert it to a puffer tank for my wife. My plan is to remove all the stuff in the tank and replace with salt features. You know, LR and some sand. I'm...
  7. jumpfrog

    My Lfs

    I know it's usual to slam a LFS but I thought I would share this. One of my LFS will not sell a fish until they've had it for 2 weeks. No exceptions! Does that guarantee anything? No. But, the guy does want to make sure his animals are doing ok before he lets someone adopt. I think that's...
  8. jumpfrog

    Uri No 03 ?

    Don't normally double post but the equip forum has been pretty slow and I need to place an order soon and I'm hoping for some input. "Has anyone used URI's NO 03's? I have an application requirement where I want to put in just one NO 03 bulb and was curious if they outperformed other 03 bulbs...
  9. jumpfrog

    URI NO Actinic 03?

    Has anyone used URI's NO 03's? I have an application requirement where I want to put in just one NO 03 bulb and was curious if they outperformed other 03 bulbs like their VHO 03's do. Also, anyone use coralife's ez ballast or ez electronic ballast systems? TIA
  10. jumpfrog

    live food

    I feed the prepackaged fry food. They seem to do ok with it and before you know it are eating flakes. I feed mostly Formula 2 for the mollies with some Formula 1 twice a week.
  11. jumpfrog

    Orange Shpulder Tang

    He had a juvi in there as well but I didn't want my yellow tang to be jealous of another yellow fish for the time being. If they can even tell the difference. The YT was a little ill for a few hours but has pretty much gotten over it. They seem fine together now. Is yours starting to get the...
  12. jumpfrog

    live food

    Mollies are considered brackish water fish that live on the margins between fresh and saltwater. Even in freshwater tanks they like a little salt in their water. I don't know about the long term effects of a constant salt water environment. I'm keeping salinity at about 1.020~1.021. I figure...
  13. jumpfrog

    Tank Update Pic

    My foxface gets along great with everyone. I think they all know not to pick on him. He does bow his head and raise his spines if someone get's a little too close for his comfort. He's third in line for nori. The naso gets to take the first bite, then the sailfin and then the foxface...
  14. jumpfrog

    Orange Shpulder Tang

    Debi has it figured out. We can keep all the tangs in any size tank we want, all we need is a good tang therapist to help them deal with their aggression! Any volunteers? Skilos, I picked him up at Tien's. That guy has the best fish. I've never been disappointed with anything I've bought...
  15. jumpfrog

    Orange Shpulder Tang

    Took your advice and gave him a sheet of nori. Now the little s*(% wants two sheets or he won't pose again;) You know Debi, I think they can get along. We just need some positive tang counseling!
  16. jumpfrog

    Orange Shpulder Tang

    Here's my newest addition to the reef. Sorry about the flash but without it you can't see too good. D*&% fish won't pose for me:rolleyes:
  17. jumpfrog

    live food

    Here's a new pic that shows the mollies better.
  18. jumpfrog

    Tank Update Pic

    I haven't posted a full tank shot in a while. Thought I'd give an update. I've added some rock and everyone is doing great.
  19. jumpfrog

    Considering a Puffer

    puffer. Was it happy in the 30? Do they swim around much? From reading other threads they seem to act much like lions. Kinda hang out in one area until the food comes along. I want to make sure I understand this fish before I make the commitment.
  20. jumpfrog

    clown goby

    In a reef tank once a day should be fine as they have other stuff to munch on. Otherwise twice a day should be fine.