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  1. jumpfrog

    Aptasia and Boiling Water

    I have a few of these aweful creatures in my reef tank that I want to get rid of. I've read about using boiling water and injecting the aptasia in the base with a hyperdermic needle. Has anyone tried that? Did it work? Any suggestions? I've got the needle and the water, just need some...
  2. jumpfrog

    Pistol Shrimp and Goby

    The pistol by himself:
  3. jumpfrog

    Pistol Shrimp and Goby

    Some peps getting in on the action:
  4. jumpfrog

    Pistol Shrimp and Goby

    Here's another:
  5. jumpfrog

    Pistol Shrimp and Goby

    Last week I received a pistol shrimp from hoping to have it pair up with by goby. After not seeing the shrimp since he went in the tank, he finally showed today. WITH the goby. Too cool. Thought I would share some pics. If anyone knows exactly what kind of goby this is, please let...
  6. jumpfrog

    'Nother Moving Question

    20 gallons = ~ 160 lbs. That's quite a load. And 90 quarts = 22.5 gallons or 180 lbs if full. If it was me I'd look into smaller totes. The 7 gallon water jugs from Walmart are about 7 bucks a piece. How far are you moving? Maybe you can do several trips and use a new large garbage can for...
  7. jumpfrog

    Prizm Users

    The prizm is an ok skimmer, especially for a small tank. But, it does take some breaking in. I have two and they each took a week or better before they started acting consistently. Just dial it in so the bubbles are at a very minimum, you will have some, and just deal with it for a week or...
  8. jumpfrog

    OT - Your Desktop

    I use a desktop program from webshots with marine fish, inverts and such. Changes every once in a while.
  9. jumpfrog

    Another great Experience

    Bo, he looked great. It looked like it might be the tiger variety. Hard to tell. I'll try to "snap" a pic tonight. He's been secretive since going in the tank. I'm hoping it hooks up with my goby. We'll see.
  10. jumpfrog

    Pump Help!!Going Crazy!!

    You make a good point in getting the overflow from the 55 into your sump. If the water levels are equal the overflow will lose siphon. It would take much to change the equation though. Is there any way you can raise the 55 up a few inches with some sort of platform? In the alternative, is it...
  11. jumpfrog

    Naso feeding question

    Unless it's a guy;) Hope everything survived the power outage. That's the scariest thing to me. In fact, last season I broke down and bought a gas generator large enough to conver all of the tanks (6) and essentials (TV and refrigerator)!
  12. jumpfrog

    Another great Experience

    Kole Tang about 2.5", cleaner shrimp 1", 3 peppermints ~.75", neon goby (ok, this guy was teeny), pistol shrimp ~1", astrea snails (normal size). All in all I thought they were a good size. I was especially pleased with kole because I didn't want one of those quarter size tangs. They went in...
  13. jumpfrog

    Powerhead help

    If your rockwork supports it, place the power head within the rockwork. I have several that way. In a few months the coraline buildup just about makes the powerhead disappear. Of course, removing and cleaning is a bit of a pain, but ..... it works!
  14. jumpfrog

    Pump Help!!Going Crazy!!

    I don't think you'll ever get the balance you're looking for. Too many variables to have the overflow rate perfectly match the input rate from your 55. I get what you're trying to do but it doesn't work that way. The only way to achieve balance is to have your tank recieving water from your...
  15. jumpfrog

    Not Skimming as much?

    I've seen that too. But I've also seen my skimmate amounts decrease significantly when I needed to do a good cleaning of my skimmer.
  16. jumpfrog

    setup for my 125

    For a 125 with the standard footprint you need 90lbs per inch of depth. That should help you decide how much you need. My recommendation is 4" minimum. The benefits are worth the small loss is space.
  17. jumpfrog

    Another great Experience

    Just wanted to share that I've received yet another perfect fish order. Arrived two days after request and all animals in great shape. Add great prices and a 6 day guarantee, you can't go wrong! (an unpaid indorsement;) )
  18. jumpfrog

    Valentini puffer fish

    Shrimp, crabs and small snails will become a meal. Just a matter of time. They do have poisen within their body. It only affects other animals if the eat the puffer. Dieing in your tank should have no affect but like all fish should be removed if possible. No need to stress your bioload...
  19. jumpfrog

    FOWLR tanks

    stacyt; that's going to be awesom when done. I'm definitely doing a built in when I build my house in a couple of years. Keep good notes so you can help;)
  20. jumpfrog

    When bulbs go bad...

    That wouldn't be a JBJ fixture would it? My original bulbs in the JBJ lasted only 6-7 months before I saw the same problems as you. I'd change bulbs.