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  1. jumpfrog

    Help with coral ID please

    under flash:
  2. jumpfrog

    Help with coral ID please

    My LFS had a great looking LPS (I think) that I searched and search to find a name for. Couldn't find anything but took the chance and bought it anyway. Here's a few pics under different lighting in case that helps. I'd like to know what it is to ensure good placement and feeding if required...
  3. jumpfrog

    LPS Frags

    I have a galaxia coral that had a couple pieces break off about 6 months ago. A rock fell on it or something. I can't remember. Anyway. Those little pieces have their polyps extend every day, even laying in the sand. My LFS had a couple of pieces break off similiarly and told me I could...
  4. jumpfrog

    YT With Redening

    jw, thanks. I'll try a series of water changes and see how that does.
  5. jumpfrog

    New pic of my 89 inch puffer

    Awesome! How does one come across a 8/9 inch puffer?
  6. jumpfrog

    Ahh Look what bloomed in my tank today

    Thomas, I've got him on the sand bottom under about 260 watts PC. Here's one I took about 2 minutes ago as he's starting to close up. He does something all the time. I love him. Please make sure you feed him though. He needs more than his zoos. I love the bright green on yours. Is that...
  7. jumpfrog

    Starting to think about fish...

    Nemo: Percula Clown Fish Dory: Regal Tang After cycling Nemo will do fine in your setup. Stay away from Dory. They're hard even for the most serious aquarist. Any of the firefish, jawfish, gobies will do fine. Pick up a copy of the Conciencious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner. It will...
  8. jumpfrog

    Off Topic but what is ygm?

    You've Got Mail!
  9. jumpfrog

    YT With Redening

    Another pic
  10. jumpfrog

    YT With Redening

    I have a YT who has some redening around the inside edges of her fins. I have no clue what could be causing or if/how to fix. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the facts: Been in a 72 gallon for over a year and a half. Last water change last weekend. Params: Amm: 0 Nitrite: 0...
  11. jumpfrog

    Ahh Look what bloomed in my tank today

    I've had this guy for about years. He's been in my reef for a year and a half and has never moved. Loves shrimp, silversides or anything else that comes his way. Great specimen and good luck with him. Here's mine probably 4 times the size he was when I got him.
  12. jumpfrog

    For Toby Fans

    Thansk, Bo, I love going up to Tien's. Always has something different. I don't know if you've made it to Greg's at Petsville but he's getting more/better stock all the time. btw. did you catch the pistol shrimp and goby pics when I posted them?
  13. jumpfrog

    Friday Night 6 Pack

    m. rogers. Yes, as far as I know it's a true perc. If I'm wrong, please someone let me know. He's quite the character and will always feed his hammer before he eats.:)
  14. jumpfrog

    Friday Night 6 Pack

    And last, I finally got the fairy wrasse in a single shot
  15. jumpfrog

    Friday Night 6 Pack

    Orange shoulder with fairy wrasse
  16. jumpfrog

    Friday Night 6 Pack

    Orange shoulder with percula
  17. jumpfrog

    Friday Night 6 Pack

    Flame Cardinal posing:
  18. jumpfrog

    Friday Night 6 Pack

    New Yellow Polys
  19. jumpfrog

    Friday Night 6 Pack

    Thought I'd start the weekend off with some new reef shots
  20. jumpfrog

    Saturday Night Bath

    Clean to the end: