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  1. logger850

    Torch Coral taken over by Sponge

    OK, thanks I'll try it
  2. logger850

    Torch Coral taken over by Sponge

    mine are white also but there are two tubes that are about an inch around and about three inches long, you can really see it good at night when the torch retracts.
  3. logger850

    Torch Coral taken over by Sponge

  4. logger850

    Torch Coral taken over by Sponge

    I have a beautiful Torch coral with nine heads on it, recently it seems it doesn't open as it usually did. I have noticed a sponge that is growing in the same place and seems to be suffocating my Torch, is there something I can do, or how can I remove the sponge? :notsure:
  5. logger850

    250's or 175's halide for 55 gallon?

    just my two cents, I have a 55 gallon with 2-250 14k metal halide, and 4-110 VHO's. I am totaling 940 watts. Some might say that's overkill, but I have been doing this for a long time, and my tank has never been so good. I also have a 25 gallon fuge on this system and all is fine, I have not...
  6. logger850

    suggestions on moving a 33 gal into a 55 gal

    desperately need to move all my live rock and all it's inhabitants from my 33gal to my 55gal. Both tanks were set up at same time and are basically identical, contractor's are doing housework and now they tell me 33 has to go. My question is, would I move everything over as I would as if I first...
  7. logger850

    frog spawn loosing its heads?

    I've asked the same question awhile back, not sure what's going on. I was told that they will do that if they are not happy with what's going on, with water, lighting,etc. I had a head fall off and is now still alive in the sand, that's almost one month now, another head fell off and totally...
  8. logger850

    who or what killed my emerald crab?

    I don't think so, when I removed the body from the tank, it was very smelly, and not soft like a skin.
  9. logger850

    who or what killed my emerald crab?

    :notsure: I found my emerald crab today upside down in the sand, last night I watched him eat and be merry, what could do this to him? In the tank, I have a few red legs, another emerald, a few blue legs, snails, a coral banded shrimp, a torch coral, a open brain, xenias, and a toadstool, and a...
  10. logger850

    Frogspawn question

    thanks for the info, we will see what happens, I checked to see what maybe I have done wrong and maybe, I feel I may have overdosed, I did a 25% water change to put things back to normal, but the damage was done to the frogspwan, Thanks
  11. logger850

    Frogspawn question

    :thinking: I had a 6 head piece of frogspawn, two heads appeared to have died off, I was worried about what was going on, now tonight I took my flashlight and looked at my other critters in the tank, and discovered one of the frogspawn heads that I thought had died off behind the rock in the...
  12. logger850

    Copepod Eaters??

    Thanks for all the replies, I know it's not from overfeeding because there are no fish in the tank, but maybe I'll have to try a mandarin, I've had one many years ago and loved the little guys, thanks for all the help :cheer:
  13. logger850

    Copepod Eaters??

    I seem to be overrun with copepods in my 33 gal reef, I would like to know which animals you guys feel are the best to keep them under control? Thanks
  14. logger850


    all checks out, all test are in good range from calcium to ph to temp, all is good
  15. logger850


    :help: What is my frogspawn doing? all other corals and clams are fine, but my frogspawn(it has 6 heads), two of the heads have died off, all that is left is a white skeleton, it was doing fine, now it barely opens up, nothing new was added or I have not done anything new, my torch, my 2 clams...
  16. logger850

    Would like to know

    I live in Ontario, Canada. My pet shops in my city totally suck and was wondering about placing an order from here, my question is, has anyone else from Canada ever ordered from this site? or if anyone knows if I can? Thanks for all the help.
  17. logger850

    So Happy

    I just kept adjusting it, the first thing I did was leave the air fully open, it took a few days but then the bubbles slowly started to disappear, when I clean it, I clean the collection cup really good and just rinse out the rest. I think letting it go full bore for a few days helps to produce...
  18. logger850

    So Happy

    I was having problems at first with the skimmer (bubbles), but now it's working good, took quite awhile to adjust it and get it right, I try to keep the water level at a steady level, it seems when you do to much to the tank, the skimmer goes haywire for a few days
  19. logger850

    So Happy

    I have tried to kind of wedge them in between the rocks, straight up, and have found them back on the sand, I have tried to stand them up in the sand and then they always lay flat, the spot they are in is right under the MH, so I guess that's where they like to be.
  20. logger850

    So Happy

    few more pics...