Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    NEVER doing water changes?

    10% a month on all my tanks. Always well established saltwater used for changes. I've never seen any changes in my corals after water changes so it seems to maintain the status quo as for water quality. Just seems like good chemical sense. I always liked that saying "Dilution is the...
  2. jumpfrog

    Sargassum Anglerfish

    Ah, the old "bait and switch". Pun intended. I'll try that. The grass shrimp doesn't cost that much. I'm just concerned about a balanced diet.
  3. jumpfrog

    Sargassum Anglerfish

    Tried frozen krill yesterday on a stick and no response. Today I thought I'd get some live grass shrimp to see how he'd do. As soon as they hit the water he started stalking. Then "bam!" he hit them. Was taking two at a time. Don't know if I made a mistake but that's the update.
  4. jumpfrog

    Why won't my leather stand up?

    I had one that took several months to come out of it's funk. I didn't think it would ever look good. But finally it fully expands. Still not popping polyps consistently but I think it will come around. I guess it's another one of those "patience" things. Good Luck!
  5. jumpfrog

    Some pics of my 55gal in wall setup.

    Looks great. What's on the other side of the wall?
  6. jumpfrog

    Who feeds their fish Nori?

    Use both and my fish love em'. I used to use clips, rubber bands and such in my aggressive tank. Now I just throw the sheet in. They drag it all over the tank until the last bite is gone. Fun to watch!
  7. jumpfrog

    Tank on Big Brother 4

    Deb, good luck. When I did my masters it was 2 courses at a time (nights) with 3 research papers per class. Learned a lot but was tired of writing by the time it was all over.
  8. jumpfrog

    Clownfish compatibility

    Sorry, no such thing as a "for sure" answer in saltwater. Fish have personalities...........could Always go either way. Most references suggest only one dwarf angel per tank unless the tank is very large. Over 6 foot. And don't forget, angels need pristine water conditions and a very stable...
  9. jumpfrog

    Tank on Big Brother 4

    It's new here in Prattville. Called Petsville. Have you been there yet? Greg Miles is the owner. He used to manage Wet Pets and Pups in Montgomery? Good guy and really trying to develop a salt trade. If you come down I65 it's at the 181 exit right next to the Texaco. Starting to carry some...
  10. jumpfrog

    Tank on Big Brother 4

    The tank by itself or with other stuff? I'm kinda friends with the LFS here in town. I could post something at his store for you. He's starting to get a good customer base.
  11. jumpfrog

    Tank on Big Brother 4

    Awesome skilos. May have to visit the next time I'm on the Plains. Wamp, I agree man. She's definitely got the B&(^% potential. But then that's what makes it interesting in the long run. Deb. Those Okies do it for you, don't they. Look what we got from Alabama. An FBI guy trying to be...
  12. jumpfrog

    Tank on Big Brother 4

    Awe man! What a bummer! Now I'll just have to look at the women. Skilos: What are you putting in that new 150?
  13. jumpfrog

    Tank on Big Brother 4

    If this is posted elsewhere, sorry. Anyone see the tank on Big Brother 4 last night. Tall tank with a huge clown trigger and some angels I think. Couldn't get a good look. You know what's sad? My wife is talking about the hot bods and I'm focusing on the fish tank:rolleyes: Anyway, looking...
  14. jumpfrog

    Sargassum Anglerfish

    Thanks for the advice snakes. That's the current plan. Day 1 and offered krill on a stick. Even tried to dangle it in front of his lure and move back and forth like a fish. I got him to at least look at it but no strike. Not sure what I'll try tomorrow. But a live fish will be the last...
  15. jumpfrog

    Sargassum Anglerfish

    My LFS got some of these in and gave me one. Have him segregated in my hawk tank using a tank divider. Want to make sure I can get him to eat consisently before I let him "play" with others. Just thought I'd share and I'll update as we progress. An awesome fish!
  16. jumpfrog

    fish feeding

    2-3 days is no problem. I've done it on several occassions and I have all my tanks "fast" at least once a week.
  17. jumpfrog

    Work Just Got A Little Better

    Wife wanted some space back in the dining room so the hawk tank had to go. So, asked the boss if it was ok for the office. He was cool with it. Now I have my hawk in my office! Bound to make the day go better. Anyone else lucky enough to have a tank at work?
  18. jumpfrog

    Tank Backrounds: Choices

    I did blue on my reef and black on my aggressive tank. I think they both look cool in their own way. Here's the reef:
  19. jumpfrog

    stocking ?

    Welcome to the board. Are you planning on having a Fish Only tank or do you plan for corals in the future? For fish only your choices are wide open. If you plan to go reef then it would be more restrained. I'm not familiar with 100 gallon tanks. What is the length of the tank? That would...
  20. jumpfrog

    Trigger ponderings/pics

    And the Huma