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  1. jumpfrog

    Any Idea What This Is?

    OOPS! I realized I lied. NMReef, I forgot I do have a blue headed fairy wrasse in that tank. Must have been the beer and sun:rolleyes: I seems odd though that he would create a nest up front like that when there are caves everywhere. And, it's much smaller than the wrasse. Good thought...
  2. jumpfrog

    Any Idea What This Is?

    Sammy, too funny. Nmreef; I don't have a wrasse in that tank. It's a reef that's been up for about 18 months. Yellow tang, flame cardinal, scissortail goby, firefish, neon goby and a perc. Only a cleaner shrimp and the variety of snails, astrea, cerith, nassarius. One thought I had was...
  3. jumpfrog

    Any Idea What This Is?

    This silky looking bubble formed yesterday on the substrate next to some LR. It's still there today. Any ideas?
  4. jumpfrog

    I Love my Prizm

    Came home from work yesterday and found our star wrapped up on the prizm's intake. Had never seen it wrap like that before and just wanted to share a different kind of pic!
  5. jumpfrog

    Coral Beauty

    I keep on in a 46 bow with a mated pair of australian clowns. They get along just fine. Just make sure your tank is mature and dwarf angels need stable conditions.
  6. jumpfrog

    happy day

    My vote is for the Harlequin Tusk and a great addition. Great looking tank and regal. How is your long nose doing? Any concerns about water quality with a FOWLR?
  7. jumpfrog

    Algae in Agressive

    Wow, I'm surprised your sailfin don't help you out with the algea. Mine pulls every tiny piece he can find in the tank. I also have a foxface and a Naso to help out but the sailfin can handle it in a 125. I use the magnet approach for the front glass, including the sand line. Just be...
  8. jumpfrog

    Blonde Naso Tangs

    Not a blonde, but still a pretty fish:;
  9. jumpfrog

    Naso tang---not eating, help

    I'll second the nori option. My Naso loves it. Also, try rubber banding some nori to a piece of rubble so he can "graze" naturally instead of pulling from a clip. They may get him going. They're big eaters and I'm sure he'll start up soon. They're great fish. Here's mine:
  10. jumpfrog

    Which Protein Skimmer???

    I love my Kent Nautilus TE. Quiet, very strong and is rated to 300 gal. I use it in a heavily stocked 125 and it rocks.
  11. jumpfrog


    ROCK: Your perfecto is fine. The grounding helps but UL doesn't require it for NO powered lights. PS: Still can't get used to you with lower caps:D
  12. jumpfrog

    live rock

    Just add the rock and watch it come to life. Watch your levels carefully so you'll know when you can move on. As for lighting. I couldn't resist when I followed this method. Hey, you want to see what's in the tank right. I had no ill effect and if you by chance you get some light loving...
  13. jumpfrog

    Adding more sand?

    ReefNut; great tip! Do you find that adding the new sand using this technique that you still have the "cloud" to deal with or does it pretty much eliminate it?
  14. jumpfrog


    Probably not salt. Salt will dry on things as Sinner's girl said but you won't usually see it in solution in the water. You may be seeing particle of your substrate. Sand or crushed coral. Once you add your live rock you're libel to see more "junk" floating. I wouldn't worry anything about...
  15. jumpfrog


    Don't know about hermits but shrimp are toast in my hawk tank. I have a spotted or pixy hawk. I throw in some glass shrimp from time to time just for variety. He hits them with gusto. I couldn't imagine putting an expensive marine shrimp in there.
  16. jumpfrog

    Anemone ID Help Please

    Thanks for the input jackie and sammy. I had to try again and got a better pic this time. The top is aiptasia as I know it. A bigun' I have in my hawk tank. The bottom are new pics of this new guy. I guess a stalk could be deeper in the rock but the coloring is so different. And the...
  17. jumpfrog

    Reef Safe Ick Treatment....

    Coralgryl you make an interesting point. Quarentine is a great way to avoid infestations when adding new animals, but what of the outbreak due to other stressors such as moving the tank, power outages and such. It's nice to know that there might be products out there to help in case the...
  18. jumpfrog

    Anemone ID Help Please

    I set up an isolation tank a while back. I had a lion that wouldn't eat so I wanted him by himself with live food to try to get him going again. Long story short, Leo died. Never would eat again.:( Anyway, back to this post question. I have an anemone that is growing out of a piece of LR...
  19. jumpfrog

    Yella-Bellied Critters!

    Here's my ol yeller foxface.
  20. jumpfrog

    need answer please........

    Your LR should keep you ok. You will lose some surface area by removing your filter. With your bioload I recommend very light or no feedings for a couple of days to alllow your rock to catch up. You should be fine but keep a close watch on your animals and as always, do a water change if...