Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    Yellow Tang is not eating, please HELP

    That's ok, welcome to the board and hobby. I'm assuming your tank had cycled fully when you added your first 2 fish a couple of weeks ago. Although, cycling in 2-3 weeks would be quick unless you had quite a bit of cured/aged live rock. Keep a close eye on your levels, ammonia, nitrite, ph...
  2. jumpfrog

    Yellow Tang is not eating, please HELP

    Going three days is not that terribly unusual but he should be eating soon. Try using a rubber band and attaching some nori to a small piece of rock. That way he can graze more natural than pulling off a clip. Also, soaking your brine in a little garlic extract may trigger an eating response...
  3. jumpfrog

    FOTW - Hawkfish

    We have a spotted alone in a 10 galllon. Lot's of personality but it's definitely his tank. All others will be picked on or eatin. Only thing living with him are feather duster worms and a couple of snails. I think if he were in a bigger tank and added after other animals he'd be ok. But...
  4. jumpfrog

    snowflake eel- behavior question...

    Everything you're describing is normal. You will definitely need to feed with a feeder stick. SFE's don't go swimming around when food is dropped. They feed by smell so the food needs to get close to him. Check the tank shortly after lights out and see if he comes out and swims some. I check...
  5. jumpfrog

    JBJ Lighting.....

    I have JBJ Formosa DX with the 4x65. Very good workmanship on the fixture, fans, etc. My original bulbs did not last but 6 months and have since replaced with coralife pc's. My LFS who sells them had the same problem with their bulbs. May have just been a bad batch. The fixture itself is...
  6. jumpfrog

    Riterri Anemone

    Thanks guys. You've sold me. The ritteri stays at the LFS. I have clowns in three different tanks and none of them have their anemone to host in. A pair of australians hang out above some blade calurpa, a true perc hangs with a hammer during the day and sleeps in a bubble coral at night and a...
  7. jumpfrog

    What would you like?

    Thanks for asking! Definitely something on tangs. It seems they are the most talked about on the board and there is "guidance" that's all over the place. Anyone with experience with a wide variety of tangs could help out a lot in the FOTW column.
  8. jumpfrog

    Riterri Anemone

    Overanalyzer. Great point on the maroon sizes. I wasn't even focusing on that aspect. Thinking too much about the ritteri. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess if the anemone is one of the few hardy ones then I could reconsider the tank size to something more appropriate. But then again...
  9. jumpfrog

    custom biofilter..will it work?

    Great design which should give all the filtration you need. If this is going to used for your reef I think I would forgo the bio-bale. Yes, it adds additional surface area for bacteria, but it will also trap plenty of material as well. I know you have your pre-filter, but stuff still gets...
  10. jumpfrog

    Riterri Anemone

    Any one have any good experiences with this animal? My LFS has a monster that he claims would go great in a 20 with a couple of maroon clowns. I'm a bit sceptical.
  11. jumpfrog

    Your Anemone Life Span

    I've had my "rock anemone" for going on two years and it is very healthy. Great color and eats every chance it gets. I wonder though if rocks split. I bought before I knew better but I'm pleased the anemone appears to be doing well. I'll let you know in another 20 years;)
  12. jumpfrog

    Lowest salinity for inverts?

    I'm keeping a community tank with snails, hermits, peps and a star at around 1.022. Everything is healthy and growing. Of course, you never know the accuracy of some hydrometers.
  13. jumpfrog

    Housing eels with eels

    I'm keeping 3 morays (SFE, zebra and and unknown - hopefully pebble tooth:rolleyes: ) with a wolf eel (aka carpet blenny) in my 125. No problems to date and last night all 3 were sharing the same cave.
  14. jumpfrog

    FOTW - Trigger

    Bo, an excellent article. Thanks for the work that went into that. I'd love to see your undulate some time. Greg had one in his store (about 5"). Too bad I have no place for one. Cheers
  15. jumpfrog

    ntvflgirl or magic

    Jackief1, what a bummer! You'd think living on the coast there would be great opportunities. Thanks for the "heads up". Cheers
  16. jumpfrog

    Filter help?

    Short answer, yes the both would work fine together. Don't know if you need both. If it was me I'd just go with the wet/dry to reduce the things you have in the tank. As for bio balls. They get there bad press from reef systems as they can trap materials and serve as a nitrate factory over...
  17. jumpfrog

    mag 7 or 9.5?

    I'm a little confused. Are you talking a mag 7 to run your skimmer or mag 9.5 for your skimmer or mag 7 or 9.5 as your return. The mag 7 for your skimmer will have no head height and Kent recommends the mag 7 for the nautilus te. It works great. By the way, the nautilus te's output will not...
  18. jumpfrog

    ntvflgirl or magic

    Heading to Panama City next weekend and wanted to check out your LFSs. Any preferences or recommendations? TIA
  19. jumpfrog


    As Katara said, one will do the trick. You're also getting some help from your Prizm return as well. The water moving at the surface is what get's your oxygen in solution.
  20. jumpfrog

    Any Idea What This Is?

    This morning it was gone so elan may have the answer there. I'll keep an eye out for new snails, etc and let y'all know. Thanks for your help.