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  1. jumpfrog

    skunk clown update

    Another couple pic:
  2. jumpfrog

    skunk clown update

    Well, after researching I couldn't resist these guys. Here's a few pics:
  3. jumpfrog

    attinic pics

    Thanks and sounds like a "great save." Congrats!
  4. jumpfrog

    Skunk Clownfish

    Went by my LFS at lunch and he had a pair of pink skunk clownfish. They look very healthy, keep close to each other, and one is slightly larger than the other. All good signs they may be a pair. Does anyone have a experience with skunk clowns?
  5. jumpfrog

    ID Please!!

    Sounds like spagetti worms. Harmless filter feeders. A good thing!
  6. jumpfrog

    A Lucky Shot

    waterfaller; That's a red/hawaiian coris wrasse. He's almost finished changing to adult coloration. Still has a few white spots around the face. Great fish. Must have a sand bed though. They sleep underground. Mine hits the sack around 8:30 at night and doesn't get back up until noon. (oh...
  7. jumpfrog

    Water test

    What kind of tank? Your trates are up a little but if it's a FO I wouldn't stress it. Just watch your water changes.
  8. jumpfrog

    Change Reef tank to Fish Only

    You're in great shape on equipment and as stated lighting is not an issue. Just plain NO's work great. Your fish selections of puffer and trigger has some impact though. Your inverts won't be safe with those fish and you can expect your pyjama to get picked on as well. They're just too mellow...
  9. jumpfrog

    attinic pics

    Nice pics. Are you doing anything special to get your galaxia back? Where is it as far as light and current go? I have one that is ok, but I don't think it's as happy as it could be.
  10. jumpfrog

    A Lucky Shot

    Thanks. fishtanker. How's that achilles tang doing? They are absolutely beautiful but I read they are very touchy.
  11. jumpfrog

    Blue Fish

    I don't know about a bird or lunar wrasse with inverts like shrimp. It's part of their diet. Might get lucky but I wouldn't do it. Plus both of those fish like to swim. Make sure they have plenty of room.
  12. jumpfrog

    A Lucky Shot

    Thanks for the compliments. By far my favorite tank. On the hawk. He's only about 2.5" and seems like a happy little camper. Been in there a year and maybe grown half an inch. Seeing how they're not big time swimmers I think he'll be ok in there for a long time.
  13. jumpfrog

    Eels and Overflows

    Great idea. In fact I have some of that stuff in the garage that I used to keep my dog out of a drain opening. Found the zebra back in the overflow last night again. Looks like I found my weekend project. Thanks a bunch!
  14. jumpfrog

    Moray and Snowflake

    If you're talking a true green moray then the answer is "no." This fish can easily reach 8' and it get's there in a hurry. Best left in the ocean. If it's not a true green then check to see what it's diet consists of. If it is a fish eater then I'd say don't mix them. If it's diet consists...
  15. jumpfrog

    A Lucky Shot

    Yep, a 10 gallon with a hawk in it. Sometimes it's our favorite. Small, easy to maintain, and the spotted hawk has all the personality of a puppy. I've got a tube worm farm growing in that one too. Kinda a cool tank.
  16. jumpfrog

    Eels and Overflows

    Jackson, that would be great. Even a shot of yours may give me an idea of something I can craft myself.
  17. jumpfrog

    Almost a 6 Pack

    Full Frontal:
  18. jumpfrog

    Almost a 6 Pack

  19. jumpfrog

    Almost a 6 Pack

    Some hairy mushrooms:
  20. jumpfrog

    Almost a 6 Pack

    A little camera trigger happy tonight. I'm really proud of the leather.