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  1. jumpfrog

    info on naso tang

    The books say they can reach 18". I have one in a 125 and wouldn't put one in anything smaller if I planned to keep it for a while.
  2. jumpfrog

    Mystery Eel Update

    A while back I asked for some help IDing a mystery moray. One of the things we couldn't answer was what type of teeth he had. He's grown some and to me is getting more handsome all the time. Finally got a shot of him with an open mouth. Any thoughts? Are those stabbers or grinders?:rolleyes:
  3. jumpfrog

    End Shots

    We see a lot of full frontals. How about some end shots? Here's one to start it off:
  4. jumpfrog

    sand storm

    You're right. Once bacteria starts to form on the surface areas of the sand grains they will fall to the bottom of the tank much faster. Just another thing that takes "time" in this hobby. Good Luck!
  5. jumpfrog

    i need a new water pump

    Depending on what you're keeping 20x with powerheads would be ok. Many sps like high current. Of course you wouldn't have all that coming from 1 powerhead. It would be several. As for sump pump, 2 more questions: What is the overflow rated at and how large is your sump. You're trying to...
  6. jumpfrog

    Overflow size

    Lifereef single is rated at 700 gph max if memory serves. Depending on head height a mag 7 would work nicely. You could probably let it run wide open or throttle down just a hair. I think a sump of more that 10 gallons would work. My experiments with a 10 gallon failed as I couldn't eliminate...
  7. jumpfrog

    look at this

    I think that would be a good option. Give the "stuff" more opportunity to get sucked into the filter. Good Luck!
  8. jumpfrog

    Salinity Question

    FOWLR 78-80 Reef 80-82 Aggressive 80-81
  9. jumpfrog

    what do you think of this equip for a 55

    That is quite a price difference. Must the acrylic and manufacturer. The price difference between glass 55's and 75's isn't that great. If you're stuck on acrylic then I guess that is a limitation. Your LR will provide your biological and believe it or not, mechanical filtration isn't that...
  10. jumpfrog

    Please Help--lighting For Low Light Corals ???

    Depending on the coral and the placement in the tank your friend might be able to keep a few corals. Some mushrooms and perhaps a leather. But, keeping a coral alive shouldn't be the goal. Letting a coral "flourish" should be. A 30 gallon tank is not that hard to light. A single fixture with...
  11. jumpfrog

    300 Gal - Which Sea Life Do You Recommend?

    So many options at this point. While you're waiting for the tank to settle this is a good time to research. Two books I can recommend are Bob Fenner's The Conscientious Marine Aquarist and Scott Michael's Marine Fishes. Some time spent with those books will help you plan your future tank...
  12. jumpfrog

    i need a new water pump

    Exactly. How is water getting to your sump? Predrilled, overflow? If you are talking simply water movement and not sump return then that's a different subject. Tell us more.
  13. jumpfrog

    look at this

    It appears to be a working system. How much LR do you have? Kind of hard to tell from the pictures. The LR will supplement your canister and help with bio filtration. The canister should take care of any mechanical and chemical needed. I'd change/clean the filter material often though to...
  14. jumpfrog

    Overflow size

    I think the single would be plenty. Trying to turn over your sump volume 70 times per hour would be a serious flow. Plus you'd need a big pump to keep that rate up. A smaller pump and you might have trouble keeping both overflows fully primed. As for 10X water flow. A powerhead or two added...
  15. jumpfrog

    Salinity Question

    I would bump the temp up a couple of degrees. When you start to raise your salinity just use saltwater at your target salinity to do your top offs instead of fresh water. The adjustment will be slow and consistent. By the way, usually salinity changes shift up and not down. As your water...
  16. jumpfrog

    Bumblebee Grouper

    Now that's a big fish!:eek:
  17. jumpfrog

    Hippo Tang

    Hippo/Regal tangs will often lay flat in a number of places. Under rocks, on the substrate, under filters/heaters etc. Normal activity. How big is the tank, what size tank, what else is in the tank with him?
  18. jumpfrog

    Moderator attitudes...

    Very "healthy" discussion. You know, even families have disagreements but at the end of the day they have something in common that forms the bond. This board has probably saved more lives than could ever be counted. There's hardly a day that goes by that I don't check in just to see what's...
  19. jumpfrog

    Shark Tank Incandescent Lights

    Exactly. I have a hood that I made and for the time being I have a 4' shop light with 2 10k, 1 4' AGA fixture with a 10k, 1 4' AGA with a "actinic" and a 18" just for good measure. I have to move stuff around off the top glass to feed and such. The way I built my hood didn't make for good...
  20. jumpfrog

    lions and eels

    If your tank has been running for a while and you have good filtration you could go with one of the larger tangs as well. I keep a sailfin and a naso in my 125. They add a lot of activity. I'll 2nd the wrasse idea too. They're great fish.