Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    skimmer v. wet/dry v. both

    In my 72 reef I only use a prizm and about 70 lbs of rock for filtration. It works for me but my bioload is relative small. One tang, a cardinal, fairy wrasse, scissortail goby, firefish and neon goby. What do you have for bioload?
  2. jumpfrog

    copy of article in our paper today featuring our charwoman

    I would applaud but my heartbeat is too slow:eek: :eek: JK, thanks for sharing. Glad someone is outthere trying to get the word out. Now, back to staring at the tank:D
  3. jumpfrog

    Free Package to the 100th post

    I'm in!
  4. jumpfrog

    what is this thing?

    Might be a bristle worm. Do a search on that and see if you can find the one you have. Another good source of information is Good Luck!
  5. jumpfrog

    Installing a UV Question

    Hey ROCK, long time. Hope all is well your end as well. Things are cool here. I've been contemplating a UV filter for my aggressive tank. Sounds like a straight forward setup to hear you tell it. Of course you fixed me on my Kent Nautilus as well. Great skimmer once you get it tuned. Do...
  6. jumpfrog

    Question about old whisper filter

    I use one of those mesh bags and put carbon in the bag. Rinse the dust off and throw it in the filter. Use only good quality carbon that claims to be phosphate free to avoid adding to the algea growth problems.
  7. jumpfrog


    I have a hawaiin red coris and absolutely love him. Like snakes said they're kind of flighty at first so have some patience. Also, make sure you have a deep enough sand bed ~4" so they can go to sleep. This is true with all coris'. One of my LFS has several wrassses in a large tank. When...
  8. jumpfrog

    what to do with a 75gl tank?

    What a terrific problem to have:rolleyes: I guess now you need to decide what direction you're going in - community or aggressive. Doesn't sound like you want reef at this time. I think both have their advantages. But for more aggressive fish (eels, triffers, puffers etc.) I like having...
  9. jumpfrog

    Got my first inhabitants today

    Congrats! Not only for the new inhabitants but your patience as well. Good Luck!
  10. jumpfrog

    Setup question

    As with most things in this hobby "this too will pass." Your tank is new and so is the sand. In time bacteria will coat every square inch of the tank and sand as well. Once that happens the sand will lose some of it bouancy. It will get stirred up but sink right away. You may see it in...
  11. jumpfrog

    Installing a UV Question

    I'm contemplating adding a UV filter to my 125. I have sump system. From what I gather you need to have a pump push water through the UV. Any experience out there with setting one up? Where is your UV? What size pump? How is the plumbing set up? TIA
  12. jumpfrog

    DIY refug out of a 10 gallon?

    I tried using a 10 gallon with plastic partitions a while back. The problem I had was finding the right size return pump. Too small and you loose siphon in a hang on overflow. To large and you have a high flow through the fuge (not good) and the turbulence creates buku bubbles. I never could...
  13. jumpfrog

    Question about old whisper filter

    I run one on my reef tank. Mostly for circulation and to hold carbon. I don't have a sump either. Like Thomas712 there are always some creatures lurking inside. Can't see it doing any harm.
  14. jumpfrog

    Water pump problems

    Before you go changing pumps, make sure you have enough total water in your system. Sometimes you have to add more to your sump until you get the balance correct. If you've done that and your pump will/or is about to make your main tank overflow you can add a ball valve to the output of...
  15. jumpfrog

    End Shots

    lateagain: No problem! While they tend to be somewhat shy at first and are quick to go "dirt diving", they soon get over it. Mine holds her own when it comes to food. She'll generally take a piece of shrimp or krill and head to a corner of the tank to bang it agains the rocks. That's how they...
  16. jumpfrog

    End Shots

    FOWLR, mostly aggressive types. Sure do miss the sigs:confused:
  17. jumpfrog

    Mystery Eel Update

    Snakes, thanks for the magnification! Bullshark: 3 true morays and the wolf eel you see with this guy. A 14" SFE, 8" Zebra and this mystery guy's about 10" now. The wolf eel (carpet blenny) if about 15" and thick. Number 1 predator in the tank by far:D Thanks for the compliment. They eat...
  18. jumpfrog

    Pics of my 72G bow

    Nice, and welcome to the board! How are you lighting your 72 bow?
  19. jumpfrog

    Large silversides out of season?

    I know, I've been searching high and low and nobody can get them. I came across frozen "sand eels" from San Francisco Bay Brand. The packaging makes it look like they're large like the big silversides. "A natural saltwater food ideal for Puffers, Groupers, Eels and Lionfish." According to...
  20. jumpfrog

    who has a generator

    Yep, got one big enough to keep all the 'essentials' going;) Hope I never use it but it's there just in case.