Search results

  1. jumpfrog

    Where to put Overflow in New tank?

    Is it too late to cancel your order? There are several manufacturers outthere who do center drilled tanks with weirs already built-in. Ocea is one that comes to mind.
  2. jumpfrog

    Tangs in a 125

    Well it depends I guess. What kind of tangs and when you put them in. What were you thinking of doing? That would be easier to address than all the possibilities. In my 125 aggressive tank I have two tangs. A 6 "naso and a 5"sailfin. The sailfin was in first and then the nasa. Never a...
  3. jumpfrog

    need a new addition

    That and of course a moray. A zebra would be a cool addition. JMI
  4. jumpfrog

    Need skimmer opinions-everybody please!

    I use two Prizm's. They're ok but I wouldn't buy one again. You definitely get what you pay for. kip, lol, I wonder who would say such a thing:rolleyes:
  5. jumpfrog

    kipass4130 Colt Question

    Thanks. We'll try the upper middle and then move according to the colt's disposition. Cheers
  6. jumpfrog

    kipass4130 Colt Question

    Kip, you've been giving some great coral advise lately. I'm picking up a gorgeous colt after work today. I'm a bit stumped at placement. Some refs say medium flow, other low, you know mixed advice. I'm running 4x55W PC over a 72 bow. I'm looking at placing this colt in the middle of the tank...
  7. jumpfrog

    Aiptasia Control

    Funny you say that Rye. I had the same experience. One by itself did nothing. I have four in my community tank and they tear it up. I pull a rock with some "craptasia as you put it" from another tank and put it in at night. The next day I pull the rock out, clean of aptasia, and put it...
  8. jumpfrog

    Best Anemone For Skunk Clown

    I have a pair of skunk clowns and they seem just fine without an anemone. Also a pair of australian clowns and a true perc by itself. Of the three types, only the perc has bonded. With my hammer coral during the day and sleeps with a bubble coral. Weird I know. The other pairs are happy...
  9. jumpfrog

    Damselfish Question

    1st, welcome to the board. Your fish could be reacting to stress. Many fish will change colors to match their disposition. As JennyL said, cycling with fish often isn't the best choice but it seems your tank is a couple months old now so I'm sure your cycle is long since passed. I'd keep him in...
  10. jumpfrog

    Mr. Ugly Fish

    Man, that is hard to tell. Comes across fuzzy to me, but then I'm getting old. My guess is a white faced lawn mower blenny:confused:
  11. jumpfrog

    no tangs

    Try adding a cleaner shrimp and let him get comfortable. A week will do it. Then look for a healthy YT. Most recommend QT for 3-4 weeks. Watch your acclimation procedure. Slower is always better. YT's are the poodles of the salt world and get stressed easily. (no disrepect to the poodle...
  12. jumpfrog

    MARINEROCK RO Question

    ROCK, WOW, quick response. Thanks. I thought I was the only one goofing off at work;) Of course you could be off! I'm like you, stuck in the research cycle at the moment. I'm leaning toward airwaterice. They're closed for vacation for a couple of weeks so I won't buy soon from them. I'm...
  13. jumpfrog

    MARINEROCK RO Question

    Hey ROCK, a while back you were looking into buying an ro/di unit. Did you ever get one? What kind? Workin' for ya? I think I finally need to take the plunge. Getting tired of carrying the jugs:rolleyes:
  14. jumpfrog

    Installing a UV Question

    Cool, appreciate the invite. We did a one week Flordia trip last year. Tampa, Sarasota, Naples, Key West and back up. Loved it all except Key West. Good luck with your lights and cyano and take care.
  15. jumpfrog

    Filter question--right or wrong?

    I have a whisper 4 on the back of my 72. I pulled the foam pads after the tank was up about six months with no ill effects. Just use it for circulation and carbon now. Good Luck!
  16. jumpfrog

    ID for saved puffer needed

    Great Save! That is one cool looking puffer.
  17. jumpfrog

    Installing a UV Question

    Great ROCK, glad all is well. I don't have a cyano problem (knock on wood) in my 125 at all. The only water movement I have is the twin returns from the mag 7. My fish keep pretty busy though and my eels and red coris keep the sand pretty mixed up. Also have a tomato clown that fans the sand...
  18. jumpfrog

    Hey! Im not dead!

    Hey, Let's see, or your new chick? I'm still confused, why were you gone?:confused: Cheers
  19. jumpfrog

    Update on new tank!

    Lookin' good. It may not hurt to have your water checked with another test kit. Your lack of ammonia at week 1 with high nitrites is suspect. How are you cycling?
  20. jumpfrog

    can someone suggest a compatable fish

    How about a pygmy angel? A coral beauty or flame would be a nice addition. They do eat algea off the rocks and your tank sounds healthy and stable. Good Luck!