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  1. jumpfrog

    A Lucky Shot

    I was playing with camera some tonight and got a lucky shot in my aggressive tank. With the exception of the eels, everyone in one shot. Thought I'd share:
  2. jumpfrog

    Eels and Overflows

    Got a bit of a problem that I'm sure some of you have experienced, and hopefully have solved: I keep 3 morays in my AGA 125 RR. No problems with any aggression and they will even share holes from time to time. But, I've found my zebra moray in the overflows twice now. One on each side of the...
  3. jumpfrog

    trigger and frogfish

    A few more specifics please. What kind of trigger and what size tank?
  4. jumpfrog

    Hardy long lived anenamoes??

    When just starting I added a small rock anemone to my tank. Two years later is grown 4-6 times in size and appears very healthy. Eats 3 times a week and is under 220 watts of pc. Can't recommend any anemone as I think in general it's a mistake. But, thought I'd share my experience. Here's...
  5. jumpfrog

    Wasp Fish

    Snakes, Very Cool! Congrats and keep us up to date on his progress. I've kicked around the idea of of one of the scorpion fishes but I need to do more research. Cheers
  6. jumpfrog

    Community Compatibility?

    I think one of the sand sifting gobies would make a nice addition. There are many choices available to you with that combo. In fact, a snow flake eel would be cool too. Good Luck!
  7. jumpfrog

    Community Compatibility?

    As you know, it's just a matter of time before something has to give. I think finding homes for the emperor and tang would be in order. The rest should do fine together for a long time. What kind of filtration do you have for that load?
  8. jumpfrog

    Trigger with a Maroon Clown or Tomato?

    Bo, you're such a conversationalist:D Triggers need more space, especially a picasso. They swim like crazy non-stop. You'd drive him nuts in that small a tank after awhile. Tomato is cool though!
  9. jumpfrog

    Using my 55 Gallon as a Sump?

    If you have room under the stand because you're making the stand you can make this work. My guess is that you're going to use the 55 as a fuge and not a sump to filter the 125. The reason that makes a difference is that in order to use the 55 as the sump/filter for your 125 you need...
  10. jumpfrog

    Sump Fish

    My wife was kinda freaked when we got our SFE. Now with that, a zebra, some unknown "mystery moray" and a wolf eel she's come to love them. But, keeping the wife into the hobby is defintely a big plus so I get what you're saying. I still think having something in a sump is a cool idea. Let us...
  11. jumpfrog

    filter help

    Are you sure it is dead. Mine stop for some unkown reason from time to time. I usually pull out the intake tube and wiggle the pump and then reinsert the intake tube once it starts back up. Play with a little to be sure before tossing it. I have three and they do this. Have to admit, my...
  12. jumpfrog

    Mixing wrasses

    If he's sleeping in the rock work he's probably not a member of the coris group and will probably stay comparatively small. Having said that, a 6 line is in the same category of wrasse. I wouldn't mix the two as they will battle over space. Perhaps another active fish would work well. Royal...
  13. jumpfrog

    Sump Fish

    Provided you can seal it up well I think an eel would be great in a sump. You have plenty of places for it to hide, won't deplete your pods or mess with your macros. Just a thought!
  14. jumpfrog

    Nano Protein Skimmer

    Try placing your return from the Fluval so it's directed at the surface. I do that with my Ehiem canister and it keeps about 2/3 of the surface area free from "crud." I guess a small PH would do the same thing, just take up more space.
  15. jumpfrog

    Mixing wrasses

    Mixing wrasses can be problematic. If there is enough room and you add them at about the same size and time they may be ok. I've seen a tank with 3 large wrasses in a 240 but they were added at the same time. Can you post a pic of the one that you have in the 46? If it's from the coris family...
  16. jumpfrog

    New tank PIctures. Taken 5-21-03

    You're on your way! Thanks for sharing and keep us up to date with your progress.
  17. jumpfrog

    opinion: best first (peaceful) fish

    I have a pyjama cardinal that is the most laid back fish I have. We call him Bob and he just hangs out in one spot most of the day. He gets serious (read always hungry but not mean) when food is involved but very peaceful otherwise.
  18. jumpfrog

    Optimum aggressive tank?

    I second the 180. I had to go with a 125 because where I was placing it only allowed for the 18" width. The 24" 180 would certainly give more room to the larger fish. No regrets with the 125, just wished it could have been the 180. By the way, the price point jumps significantly from 125 to 180.
  19. jumpfrog

    Meet Harley-Quinn

    Great fish Snakes. One of my favs as well. Alas, I'm filled up on the aggressive tank so it will have to wait for another day/tank.
  20. jumpfrog

    FOTW: Jawfish

    My yellowhead carpet surfed 2 days ago. Only a small space between skimmer return and glass top. Felt really bad when I found him dead. If I do one again it will definitely have a completely closed top. Good article. Thanks!