Search results

  1. lillylegs

    scarlet w/o its shell!

    well, the strangest thing just happened! i just recently replenished my clean-up crew which included 20 scarlets (i have five bluelegs) a few days ago. today as i was feeding i saw one of my bluelegs in an new shell (which I know to be one of my biggest scarlets). i looked around the tank for...
  2. lillylegs

    MI tanks for sale

    dear leigh, this is just the saddest thing I've ever heard (read)! to everybody who's buying stuff from leigh - leigh is an enthusiastic/dedicated SW hobbyist and her parting (sort of) will be sorely missed (especially the trading trips to cabela's)! good luck on your nano! lillylegs
  3. lillylegs

    New Tank Inhabitant and Flow Question

    holy crap. do you know jim jackson? hes a student there, i think hes in cellular and structural. i was in the surgery dept on the second floor. this is weird, do you have aol IM? it might be quicker...
  4. lillylegs

    New Tank Inhabitant and Flow Question

    weird-o-rama, it was. i also had a minor in chemistry while i was there. small world! i wonder if all the same profs are there (i graduated in 99). dr. senseman was my favorite. i had him for four or five classes it seems like. what department are you in at uthscsa? are you in research?
  5. lillylegs

    New Tank Inhabitant and Flow Question

    yeah, i went to school there for awhile. i also went to utsa as an undergrad. i figured your name was too much of a coincidence! i'm originally from san antonio, moved up here for school. i miss the hot weather... i'm really not kidding. people complain here when it gets close to 90! do you go...
  6. lillylegs

    New Tank Inhabitant and Flow Question

    hey uthscsa19, welcome to the board! but i just have to ask... you wouldn't happen to live in san antonio? anyways, i cultivate pulsing xenia in my tank. they prefer moderate flow and moderate lighting (depending on lights and position in tank). supplement with iodine once a week. it grows like...
  7. lillylegs

    rearranged rock, fish MIA

    thanks for the reply, what he's done in the past is lie very very still at the base of some rock until im done moving things around. he just doesn't seem to move out of the way like everything else does. so im afraid he may be stuck! i fed about an hour ago and still no sign of him. hes usually...
  8. lillylegs

    rearranged rock, fish MIA

    well, i rearranged my rock around yeterday and my flasher wrasse is missing. i havent seen him since then. i'm getting really worried!!?? i thought he would have come out by now. perhaps he's stuck between rocks? this is just terrible. i looked in all the holes and crevices but no sign of him...
  9. lillylegs

    attachment required?

    i'm afraid i can't get a pic of it. it looks like the fluffy white part of a scrambled egg. however, it looks like the body of the leather, so i don't think its mold. but do you think it could be some sort of infection? its not looking good since it tore from the rock (which is my fault, i was...
  10. lillylegs

    attachment required?

    hi everyone, i just bought a finger leather that has fallen off of its original rock. the bottom looks like fluffy yucky stuff. do i need to reattach it myself for it to survive? or can i just place it on some rock in the tank for it to reattach itself? its so beautiful, i don't want it to...
  11. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    hi pufferfreak! its a 46-gal bow w/ 3-in DSB and ~40lbs LR that i originally statrted out wanting to use the Berlin method for filtration. its a little modified now with a Remora Pro protein skimmer, a HOT magnum power filter, and a bio-wheel i like to use for movement (and for my QT). oh, and i...
  12. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    wrassecal, it really has grown to plague proportions! i put rocks on the edge of the growth, and in a few weeks, voila! i've got xenia frags. i sell them to my LFS for supplies and such. this is a nice four week cycle - its nice to get something back for all the cash i really don't have that i...
  13. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    no, he's a tank raised false perc and just won't touch a thing. he won't even swim through them. i thought i might have a problem when i got the leather (top right) but he leaves it alone too. it must just be good luck! :)
  14. lillylegs

    cultivating? Xenia

    hi reavely, the new piece will thin out as its detaching itself from the old. it will sever itself. if its growing well, you really won't have to do anything to get it to grow all over your tank. but what i do to thin them out or move them is take a clean pair of scisssors and cut them at the...
  15. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    thanks you guys! i started with a tiny piece of LR that had maybe three small stalks of the xenia. then, BAM! they spread like wildfire. wrassecal, they really are that white, especially under the blue actinics (w/o they have a pink tinge). actually, i have a couple of mushrooms that have...
  16. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    thanks mike! no, i wish i did! a year ago i had a 35 gal hex that broke - it was a disaster! so i moved everything from that tank to this one, plus more LR and LS. it would be cool to see the transition...
  17. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    ... and my two baby cardinals, my flasher wrasse, and my sun coral i am currently saving and bringing back to life!
  18. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    my hairy mushrooms...
  19. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    here's my clown and my frogspawn (that stung me couple o' months back)
  20. lillylegs

    first birthday - pics of my 1 year old reef tank!

    yea! its a memorial day miracle. here's one of my pulsing xenia (that just keeps growing and growing)