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  1. brad pitt

    anyone help please!!!

    Originally Posted by jkizz i just bought a small fish tank and i have a clown fish, a blueyellow tail fish, anemone and a starfish. i have a lot of Q's that nobody at the ***** answer me. do i have to leave the fish tank lights on at all times? the water was seawater i didn't mixed it but when...
  2. brad pitt

    First clowns, behaivor question

    Originally Posted by nuro its only a 55, so too small to have two clowns. If it looks like thier nipping at each other how long should i give them before returning one or both? i have a mated pair in my 10gal and they are in love with each other.
  3. brad pitt

    Help Clown Huge!!!

    over loaded air bladder?
  4. brad pitt

    Mantis Diary

    that is HUGE
  5. brad pitt

    Which Lionfish

    dwarfs are nice and stay real small. oh and where r u people getting tanks that big!!!
  6. brad pitt

    what would be a good addition to a 12gal??

    ya i know im starting another 12gal or 24gal not sure yet
  7. brad pitt

    what would be a good addition to a 12gal??

    anything like damsels clowns... etc.. and what should be my clean up crew?
  8. brad pitt

    why wont my shrimp come out???

    Originally Posted by sepulatian What is your specific gravity or salinity? Whichever you prefer to post is fine. gravity 1023 salinity 31
  9. brad pitt

    why wont my shrimp come out???

    Originally Posted by sepulatian What are your water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and SG? all zero except nitrate its like 10 or 20
  10. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    how do i up load a pic on this sight!?
  11. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    lol ya i got it from Nemo's movie. the fire fish? good jumper. ill keep the lid on tight. and it wont come out from the bottom so i think im good for a while. but now i have too many fish! lol i have a mated pair of percula clownfish a lawn mower blenney and a green cromis now + a fire fish! i...
  12. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    OH MY GOD ARE U SERIOUS!!! thats the most expensive thing in my tank! and i got it for free!! I SHALL CALL IT SQUISHY!!!
  13. brad pitt

    why wont my shrimp come out???

    Originally Posted by Payton 350 my peppermint used to hide and i wouldn't see him for months but my cleaners are not shy at all and are all over the place....they even have their own "shop" and clean inside one of my chromis mouths everyday. thats so cool i wish mine did that!
  14. brad pitt

    why wont my shrimp come out???

    Originally Posted by Veeraj87 my cleaner was teh same it hide and hide and now its dead, i found the molting one day the next day it was gone and the fish were picking at its remains... not sure i only have clowns as well?? oh my god. i am scared now!
  15. brad pitt

    why wont my shrimp come out???

    Originally Posted by Prk543 how long have they been in the tank? I've also found that my camel backs were more active at night. I don't have a cleaner, so I can't give any input on that. I would suggest to turn most of the lights off in the room your tank is in, and sit back away from your...
  16. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    i think it is a purple fire fish. but the purple stripe is on its side not on top. why?
  17. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    i want to take a pic i dont have a digital camera. i took one with my camera phone but it came out blurry, it dosent show. but it looks awesome!!!
  18. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    Originally Posted by draconis321 fire fish is probaly right and if its purple then you are so lucky i hear they go for like $60-$70 does it look like this ya! it looks just like that!!!
  19. brad pitt


    there starting to become a mated pair. if u get an anemone they will make babies!!!
  20. brad pitt

    my clown died today!!!

    if that happened to me i would die