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  1. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    i got the pic! wait i havent uploaded it yet. wow people! calm down i havent been on for a couple of days!! ill post it in a second
  2. brad pitt

    IS this a baby snail? i think my snails had babies!! i found a white one too!
  3. brad pitt

    my 12gal. what do u think?

    Originally Posted by kikithemermaid See, you know how to do a picture, put a pic of your hitchhiker in the id thread. i just learned =] ill take a pic when he comes out of his hole
  4. brad pitt

    my 12gal. what do u think?

    Originally Posted by Airforceman why did you make your name Bradd Pitt lol im a fan
  5. brad pitt

    my 12gal. what do u think?

    i think its 15 pounds the kinda redish one and the one on top weigh a lot.
  6. brad pitt

    my female perc clown is really aggressive! y??

    shes been chewing on some of my shrimps whiskers and attacking some of my other fish. and she ripped one of my mushrooms off the like rock! this clown is not reef safe! but y is she suddenly aggressive? she wasnt like this b4
  7. brad pitt

    i think my female clown turned into a male??

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman You don't have a way to know if the male is a male unless they mate. ive had that one single male for about 5 months. when a clownfish is alone in a tank with out one of the same species it will turn into a male.
  8. brad pitt

    10 gallon

    if u don't have any fish or corals in there then do a 50% water change. after that (make sure u have no corals) go to ur LfS and buy something that will kill it. ask the people who work there. if they dont have anything then just scrap it off and continue to do water changes because that is "red...
  9. brad pitt

    mushroom growth rate

    oh thanks
  10. brad pitt

    my 12gal. what do u think?
  11. brad pitt


    but anyway they look really cool like picaso clowns. i dont think its from her water quality because she lives a block away from her LFS, she takes care of the tank real good parameters are perfect.
  12. brad pitt

    mushroom growth rate

    how fast do they grow? i bought mine 2 weeks ago and they have doubled in size...
  13. brad pitt

    Fish list

    get a mate 4 the clown =]
  14. brad pitt

    5.5 gallon pico journal!!!

    hey what kind of fish r u going to add to ur tank?
  15. brad pitt

    i think my female clown turned into a male??

    oh thats good!! but y dont they look like a mated pair any more. the male is still male they dont hang out with each other anymore
  16. brad pitt

    Dead Clown and Snail

    did u let the water cycle? how old is the set up?
  17. brad pitt

    ID Please

    was it coral?
  18. brad pitt

    what kind of fish can i keep in a 5gal?

    what about damsel?
  19. brad pitt

    what kind of fish can i keep in a 5gal?

    Originally Posted by FishyGurl all i see is posts of you with different tanks and Anyways if your serious i think you could get a clown goby..maybe 2 if they arnt agressive toward one another no i only have one tank! 12gal. im asking if i got another one what kind of fish can i...
  20. brad pitt


    Originally Posted by kikithemermaid Are your clowns mating? I'm not sure what you mean. not mine, my Aunts clowns had babies in her 30gal nano. all she had where a mated pair of normal percula clowns. so they had babies they look like picaso percula clownfish. they all came out in deformed...