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  1. brad pitt

    what kind of fish can i keep in a 5gal?

    i know the limit is one. but like what? i dont have a 5gal yet but i want to make it a really nice coral reef tank.
  2. brad pitt

    ID Please

    no problem! touch it and see if it is a coral
  3. brad pitt

    what would be a good addition to a 12gal??

    Originally Posted by kikithemermaid A sixline wrasse would be okay in 24 gallons. how big do they get? what do they eat? coral safe? aggressive? what other fish can i keep it with?
  4. brad pitt

    what would be a good addition to a 12gal??

    Originally Posted by Debbie Hi there, if you are deciding on a 12 gal or 24 gal go for the 24. You will be able to put a bit more in it. As for the Angelfish, I had a Coral Beauty in my 25 gal, all it did was swim back and forth and drive me nuts. I think they need a bigger tank, that would be...
  5. brad pitt

    Stupid Tang...

    its so cute! its lips looks like Angelina Jolie! lol my wife!
  6. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    it dosent work. i dont get it...
  7. brad pitt

    ID Please

    looks like a kinda egg sack to me. or it could be some kind of white algae?? or coral
  8. brad pitt

    i think my female clown turned into a male??

    because they always used to swim next to each other and play with each other. the male used to have seizures for the female. and now he dosent do that any more. they dont play with each other or swim with each other and she/he got even more aggressive than usual. what went wrong?
  9. brad pitt

    what would be a good addition to a 12gal??

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 ya dude all you guys do is bag on him mby that tank was real maby it wasnt youll never know leave him alone... some good fish would be for a 14gallon since you already have clowns I would do a pair of bangaiis and a small goby 24: MAYBE! a dwarf angel then like...
  10. brad pitt

    How frequent does egg laying happen?

    this is going to be hell 4 u! haha!
  11. brad pitt


    is it possible that a normal pair of clownfish make babies with with weird white marking? like instead of 3 stripes the white is all over the body. in diffrent patterns
  12. brad pitt

    mating clowns

    the only thing that i think will make them have babies is to just have ur parameters at perfect. i know people who have had mated pairs of clowns for 3 years that haven't had babies and i know someone whose clowns had babied in a month. it depends on the clownfish mostly age.
  13. brad pitt

    why wont my shrimp come out???

    Originally Posted by blue44magnum i bought a coral banded shrimp today , and i did my acclimation and then put him in and watched. he hid behind the liverock for a while then he came walked the tank then started foraging food wherever he could. his antenna's are long and they looked even better...
  14. brad pitt

    what would be a good addition to a 12gal??

    Originally Posted by LSU I agree with Sep. You need to slow down. SW tanks are a great hobby but you need to slow down. You have started around some thirty odd treads in the past month. Research first before you start a new tank. This is an expensive hobby, be sure you know what you are...
  15. brad pitt

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    still waiting to be told how to load pics on this site! i asked this Q already
  16. brad pitt

    my new octopus!

  17. brad pitt

    new clown, is he ok?

    ya thats right thats y a small tank is usually recommended. they do just as good in bigger thanks they just dont move around as much. a tomato clownfish would do great. they love to swim
  18. brad pitt

    Corals & Anemones

    u can get a rock anemone? but they are ugly. they dont move after they choose a spot. (most of the time)
  19. brad pitt

    False Percs from the same Brood

    no u can do that most mated clowns are siblings.
  20. brad pitt

    Fish now and anemones later?

    if i was u i would get a mated pair then wait for a while and add the anemone. but it dosent really matter. or actually get the anemone first because there is a huge change it might die. so get the anemone and wait for a week c if it dies if it dosent get the fish.