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  1. brad pitt

    shaking clownfish again question

    what does it mean when the male shakes for the female and the female turns its head and looks like its saying... umm EWW?!!! thats what the female is doing does it mean they wont hook up?
  2. brad pitt

    Marine Trace by RED SEA

    is this good for my tank? what will it do? does it have all the elements i need to keep corals and anemones?
  3. brad pitt

    kole/yellow-eye tang

    what if i have a lot of hiding places and a lot of live rock? how big can they get? how big of a tank to i need to keep any tang?
  4. brad pitt

    kole/yellow-eye tang

    would a small kole/yellow-eye tang be ok in a 55 gal tank? thats the only tang in there maybe a couple of percula clowns and a lawnmower blendy. and would an anemone hurt the tang?
  5. brad pitt

    bloded clownfish?

    i have 2 clowns percula. im guessing the small one is the male and the big one is the female. my small male's stomach is double in size from yesterday. what could that be from?
  6. brad pitt

    arrow crab and calcium

    i think i have a little too much calcium. will my arrow crab be ok? it has not moved out of his spot from yesterday but he is eating very good. he caught a big chunk of formula 1 and finished the whole thing.
  7. brad pitt

    whcih do you think i should get-

    blue hippo.
  8. brad pitt

    my clown looks like its shaking... wat does that mean?

    wow so does that mean i have a mated pair of clownfish??? there not constantly around each other but they sometimes hang out with each other, like they get real close and swim together.
  9. brad pitt

    my reef of 14 months

    in about another year your tank is going to be sooooooooo beautiful!
  10. brad pitt

    my clown looks like its shaking... wat does that mean?

    i have 2 clowns. the big one sometimes charges towards the small one. the small one starts shaking. it looks weird. it happens a lot. what are they doing? should i take the big one out?
  11. brad pitt


    thank you sooo much =]!!!
  12. brad pitt


    i had the fish 4 about 3 months, i feed once every 2-3 days. i give them formula 1 and 2 and sometimes brine shrimp. nitrate 40 nitrite 0 alkalinity 240 ph is about 8.2 or .3 ammonia is 0 tank size is 12g. i had 2 of them one died the same way he was okay when i got him from my lfs im not sure...
  13. brad pitt

    How often should I be feeding my fish!?

    feed them once every 2 to 3 days. thats how i feed mine and they are okay. giving less food would give u better water quality. u feed them too much. =]
  14. brad pitt

    Another Death :'(

    ya it was so weird. i couldnt find a reason why.
  15. brad pitt

    how can i make my water condition better without increasing my alge?

    ive tested it somewhere elso too they said the same results my ammonia is 0 and nitrate is 0 its just the nitrite that is about 40 out of 200.
  16. brad pitt

    Will This Work?

    huma huma are very awsome active and beautiful fish to watch! nigers too but i like the colors of the huma huma beter very relaxing.
  17. brad pitt

    Starfish recomendation porfavor

    if i was u i would buy a chocolate chip starfish i had horrible water condition for a week once all my fish and crabs died but my chocolate star fish was alive and well. they are strong. i gave it away =[ i miss it
  18. brad pitt

    Blue Hippo, sick??? with what???

    that looks internal bleeding or some kind of parasite is eat the insides of ur fish.