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  1. brad pitt

    evaporation question

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Sounds about right to me... so if i had a bigger tank would i have to do this less often?
  2. brad pitt

    evaporation question

    i have a 12gal and the water in my tank evaporates REALLY quickly im always adding 16fl oz (473 ml) of fresh water every day sometimes double that. my water parameters are perfect except 4 nitrate thats at about 40. my water temp is around 78. is this normal? and i have a lot of algae growing on...
  3. brad pitt

    CA pacific ocean hermit crabs are ok for fish only tank?

    yeah i know all that but i have gone out on the pacific ocean and collected some rocks and on those rocks there were a couple of pacific anemones. they lived for a year so i went and got a couple of HUGE ones and they live for about another year then i sold them to one of my friends. and ive had...
  4. brad pitt

    pairing clownfish

    Originally Posted by cotigostar hey i was hoping to get a pair of clownfish and maybe breed them? Is it better to get a mated pair or just get 2 and let them mate? If i get 2 should i get one and let it grow and then add a friend? that way one is clearly bigger and will be dominant? last thing...
  5. brad pitt

    CA pacific ocean hermit crabs are ok for fish only tank?

    i caught some hermit crabs from the ocean near me about the same size as the ones from my lfs maybe smaller. they have amazing color on there shells and there body is very light black and white stripes i dont have a pic of them because they died. but they where in my tank for about 1 month. what...
  6. brad pitt

    can you post pics of your anemones?

    Originally Posted by 987654321 Here is my Green Carpet OH MY GOD!!! THAT IS SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! that is the nicest looking anemone i have every seen in my life! I WANT ONE SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!
  7. brad pitt

    will this work?

    ok i have a 12gal nano with not enough lighting to support an anemone, so i was wondering if i could put an extra lamp on the side of the tank to make it look like really strong rays of sun shine. will it work?
  8. brad pitt

    show me your nano tanks please!

    can u post pics of ur nano tanks? i want to rearrange my rocks and i want to get some ideas. thank you
  9. brad pitt

    where can i get strong enough lights???

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc Look around for a 70 watt or so metal halide clip on type light. I think current makes one. Anything around that wattage will be fine. Shoot for 10,000K generally speaking to get good bang for your buck. 15,000 will be a little bluer/prettier, but usually a...
  10. brad pitt

    where can i get strong enough lights???

    hi i have a 12gal nano and i am very interested in getting lights suited for an anemone. where can i get them? do i have to order them from somewhere? Any info will really help
  11. brad pitt

    by any chance

    do u know where i can get new lights for my 12gal nano? i need light strong enough to keep an anemone. any info will help
  12. brad pitt

    sad clown

    Originally Posted by gil5280 hey I have a true perc in my bio.the filter got turned of for 5 hours. The coral banndes shrimp died, the clown is still alive but not eating ad his moth is open slightly more then its soupoee to be. Do u think he is going to die? if he starts eating he will live.
  13. brad pitt

    can you post pics of your anemones?

    Originally Posted by fishkid2 wow! what kind is it?
  14. brad pitt

    i think i may have too many fish... do I?

    Originally Posted by barngirl There ya go, when 16, get a J.O.B., always helps... i will but what can i get?
  15. brad pitt

    i think i may have too many fish... do I?

    Originally Posted by alexmir Get some quick growing coral (xenia, colt and kenya tree leather, mushrooms) and frag and trade or sell them. Its a good way to make some extra money for coral! where and how much can i sell them?
  16. brad pitt

    i think i may have too many fish... do I?

    Originally Posted by monkdaily everything like?
  17. brad pitt

    stupid question

    i think because none of the clowns have been in a tank with out any other clowns so there used to it. this is very good when it is like this. because in percula clowns there will be a (queen) only one female and she will be bigger and tuffer than the rest. if u get that female and another one of...
  18. brad pitt

    i think i may have too many fish... do I?

    Originally Posted by vivioo7 get a 10 gal for raising ur clowns i dont have extra cash. my 12gal has a built in protein skimmer i dont have the money to buy another skimmer,filter,rocks sand, etc...
  19. brad pitt

    i think i may have too many fish... do I?

    Originally Posted by SrgVigil when you get 16 get a job that pays for a lot of my expenses oh ya 4 sure. but what pays good 4 a 16 year old?
  20. brad pitt

    i think i may have too many fish... do I?

    Originally Posted by Airforceman You're in the same situation as me. I only have a 12G and I'm 16 with no $$$ which is basically the only way to expand in this hobby lol. lmao it really sux dosent it??