Search results

  1. mark_d

    BioOrb Life Aquariums

    Well, I happen to have a 34g Red Sea. Its slightly used but in good condition. I also happen to be in Tx and I think you are to.... if you're interested in buyin it from me I'd love to sell it to you. Lemme know.
  2. mark_d

    help!! Can't glue rocks!

    I am having a ridiculously hard time with my rock structure! What can I use to glue rock togeter? I bought some 'marine grade' epoxy putty from lowes but my rocks don't stick at all... What can I use that'll work and not kill my fish and corals??
  3. mark_d

    Help with 100gal stocklist?

    yeah thats kinda the plan. To center the tank around one fish. if it were a lion, yeah some tang (or tangs... i have no idea how many or what kind.. i LOVE sailfin tangs tho). If i center it around an angel, no idea what Id do. IME angels have been rather peaceful but ive only done dwarf angels...
  4. mark_d

    Help with 100gal stocklist?

    personally i like the blackfoot lions. Maybe an antennata if volitans get too big... good to know about the trigger... so, that beint the case, what fish do work with triggers? As for the wet dry, i got 2 emperor 400's. needless to say im missin a skimmer. but thatll come when i start adding fish.
  5. mark_d

    Damsel ID please...

    i wanna say 3inches.. maybe a bit more... most damsels around here are sold at about 1/2in - 1 in. so its rather large by comparison. hehehe......
  6. mark_d

    Damsel ID please...

    local LFS has one of em thats rather large. The blue marks on its face dissappear as it gets older but the black and blue dot on the back stays there. No idea what it is... i had one for a while but sadly, it died
  7. mark_d

    Help with 100gal stocklist?

    What I want to do is cernter the tank around one particular fish I like. Now, that being said, I love lionfish in general. So maybe A voilitan would be nice. I really like the blue line trigger and there is a couple of angels (emperor, blueface) that I love. Now, Im assuming keeping one of each...
  8. mark_d

    Help with 100gal stocklist?

    Ok.. i just got an early bday gift today...... a 100 gallon tank with all the works (stand, lights, filter stuff, etc). Ill be startin the cycle sometime this weekend,so now i kinda wanna start figurin out what fish Ill add. This is meant to be wither FO or FOWLR. What is my maximum adult size...
  9. mark_d

    come onnn gogrgonian thread take 4

    OOooh! email me too! and ill send you some pics of what i could trade and what not!
  10. mark_d

    Duncans? ID please ^_^

    I finally found me a good source for some duncans. I want to buy a single polyp to test my luck with em. However.... Im not even sure if these are in fact duncans cause they look kinda different (to me) than the pics I've seen here and on other sites. The fully open ones were abou 1.5in accross...
  11. mark_d

    Green Mandarins

    here's mine. bein all tough and stuff to scare away its reflection
  12. mark_d

    Duncans growing ???

    Actually, should ask, viper: what is the ideal settings for this coral? I have a 24gal aquapod with a Rio 110 pump (300gal/hour) with a 150watt MH lamp (15000K). Is this ok for them and what would be a good place for a duncans to be?
  13. mark_d

    Duncans growing ???

    mm ok ^__^ ill try not to do it again heheh ^_^
  14. mark_d

    Duncans growing ???

    still this site doenst sell duncans........ but oh well.. ill just run a few searches see what happens... thanks ^_^ didnt mean to cause any problems ^__^
  15. mark_d

    Duncans growing ???

    thanks steve...... post got deleted lol Anywho, info on how to get one and where, specially lower end ones is appreciated. send info to markdosal at gmail dot com thanks ^_^
  16. mark_d

    Duncans growing ???

    can anyone of you guys please email me info on where to get these guys? specially the lower end ones. Any info appreciated. Also, info on how to care for them would be awesome, even tho I have been doing a lot of readin on em ^_^. *Email Removed*
  17. mark_d

    encrusting montipora questions

    second one could be a Goniopora stutchburyi.
  18. mark_d

    Questions about bleaching

    ok this is all i can say now without proper test results. All my corals are on the sandbed or almost on the sandbed with the exception of the Pagoda cup (turbinaria) which happens to be in the middle. Also, i think i OD'd calcium a bit cause it was precipitating couple weeks ago like mad. I...
  19. mark_d

    Questions about bleaching

    ill post em tommorow. out of tests ATM. ... had no idea bleaching could have anything to do with water parameters o_O
  20. mark_d

    Questions about bleaching

    Questions about bleaching Hey! Ive been meaning to ask this for a while so here goes. The store where I buy my corals has everything under pretty high light. I dont know wattage but its all MH and mostly pretty shallow and the lights are pretty close to the surface too. Most of the corals they...