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  1. mark_d

    Questions about bleaching

    OOOP! wrong forum! delete please!
  2. mark_d

    Coral ID!

    the pics were much larger before uploading to photobucket and i can count more than 12 little tentacles on the polyps..... so woulndt it be a gonio? but then again i really dont know ^_^... anywhos, ty for the info ^_^
  3. mark_d

    Coral ID!

    aah.. good times then........ also ive consulted with him and he seems quite confident that the hole in the floor is indeed B-his own sphyncter. I am makin sure i stay away from said hole. That aside, LFS owner wasnt around and this guy is...... kinda dumb... and mean...... not to be mean but i...
  4. mark_d

    Coral ID!

    if it is a goniopora any idea what species? Im under the impression that it should have much more polyp extension.. also the look of the polyps when closed doesnt look much like a gonio to me.... u sure?
  5. mark_d

    Coral ID!

    Saw this at the LFS.. think its kinda interesting ... im assuming its some kind of goniopora but I want to make sure before I buy it, guy at the store said it wasnt.
  6. mark_d

    Anyone like star poylps?

    email me at if theres enough for me
  7. mark_d

    Bubble coral... can it make it?

    what should one do if algae does start growing? scrape it off?
  8. mark_d

    Too much light?

    Hey~! Recently im starting to worry a bit about my tank. Mostly everything is in order. A little algae bloom here and there. So I overfeed a bit. Savin up for a skimmer and tryin to cut down on feedings... but i mean, other than that, its all good. However.... my corals.... their colors...
  9. mark_d

    Suspicious fish ID please!

    was pretty damn cheap here....just 9 bucks. IMMA buy 100 and sell em now! XD.. no not really.. but they are really damned cute and very sociable somehow (i was half expecting them to tear into my two wrasses but the little guys just follow him around). Also, would having a group of 3-5 be ok or...
  10. mark_d

    Suspicious fish ID please!

    also, should add that since I got it its been getting a lot more tiny blue dots all over its body... which just makes things more confusing...
  11. mark_d

    Suspicious fish ID please!

    Well, I am in San Antonio Tx, so sadly, it cant be you. Also, i fishbase'd Cross Damsel and... well... no. Mainly cause all the pictures of cross damsel's that ive seen lack the big black/blue dot that these guys have on their backs... I thought it might be either a cross or a garibaldi but then...
  12. mark_d

    Suspicious fish ID please!

    Hey! I got a couple of these as a gift earlier today: The store had em labeled as *something-I-Dont-remember* Chromis accordin to the person who gave em to me.... What are they? if they are chromis couuld i have like one or two more so they school?
  13. mark_d

    New maxima clam without a foot?

    So where the clams foot is there is nothing? what does this look like? or what is the foot supposed to look like? im startin to think maybe i got a bad deal for my clam too......
  14. mark_d

    Coral ID please

    ooooh! nice!! Well.. ill try to find a good place for mine so it opens up like that. Saltnoob/ John Kelly: Any suggestiong as far as placement and what not? Is that goni you posted yours? any tips? (people keep tellin me to start adding iron and stuffs.... I am now rather confused)
  15. mark_d

    Coral ID please

    Originally Posted by Catawaba She. 12 = alveopora = better survivability tendency 24 = goniopora = you've got yourself a challenge! Oh lol........... SORRY!!!!........ and i cant use the poor vision as an excuse now.. damn haha Ive branching goni's (and im guessin this may apply to...
  16. mark_d

    Coral ID please

    Originally Posted by Catawaba Looks like 12 to me..... he might be right, my sight sucks lol
  17. mark_d

    Coral ID please

    sadly I cannot count the tentacles.. But it looks like more than 12. im sure its more than 12. But I thought Gonioporas were different! I had one for 2 days but returned it cause I found out I could get a better deal on em at another store. (and then opted to wait for a red one). My...
  18. mark_d

    Coral ID please

    So I went to my LFS... Ive been trying to get my hands on a red goniopora. Yes I know, they usually die within a year but I want to give it a shot. So I asked the shop owner if he could get me one. He pointed out this one piece of coral and said it was a goniopora. Now, to me, this looks like...
  19. mark_d

    New gorgonian photosynthetic? Filterfeeder?

    I got this gorgonian at my LFS. Was really cheap so I couldnt help myself ^__^. They didnt seem to sure about wether it was photosynthetic or not so.... just to keep myself from adding more stuffs to my tank than I need.. what do you guys think it is? Whats the best way to care for it?
  20. mark_d

    Time to get into high light corals! help please?

    Awesome. I will pick up some Kalkwasser next time I have money T__T. Bought a 2 part Calcium Alk solution (B ionic, ive heard good about it, hope i wasnt scammed lol). So basically Im missing: Powerhead that does at least 200GPH Kalkwasser skimmer oh god....