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  1. nofish4u!!

    reef package for 60 gallon

    I would get the reef package from this site 55-100g. It's a great price for all that you get.
  2. nofish4u!!

    29 Gallons of sexy

    Thank you bluelagoon!!! It really is scaring that you guys think it is so cool to drive without a permit/license. Even after you get certified to be on the road legally, it doesn't mean you can drive like an idiot. Not only are you putting yourself in danger, you are putting innocent people...
  3. nofish4u!!

    How much is this worth?

    Yah, I've gotta agree with the posts above also. I recently purchased a 120g from Petsmart for $300 (stand, lights and glass tops included). There were also bowfronts (80g?) for around $500. There are better deals out there. Best of luck to you!
  4. nofish4u!!

    is it a clam? or what could it be

    To me it sounds like a clam, I have a few. Most don't live too long, but they are good for your tank (help with the levels). I'd leave it!
  5. nofish4u!!

    My Sincerest Apologies!

    The tank looks fantastic!!! Much better than the first one. Please keep us updated with pictures as you add more fish!!
  6. nofish4u!!

    Did a water change and still high Nitrate.

    How come you never want to do a water change over 40%? It seems like there are a number of conflicting views out there (I'm new at this so I'm trying to learn, that's why I am asking).
  7. nofish4u!!

    Lots of Pics! Look!

    gorgeous tank! Thanks for sharing!!!
  8. nofish4u!!

    How Many

    I'm still fairly new at this but in MHO, it sounds like WAAAAY too many fish for a tank that size. What about getting some smaller fish like a Goby or some clowns? I wouldn't put a Tang in there either, they really need room to swim. No offense, but it sounds like you have been throwing fish...
  9. nofish4u!!

    could it really be..?

    yah definately a good sign. I recently turned the lights on in my tank and they seem to be exploring more... i wonder if that has something to do with it. Do you have a game plan for what fish (etc.) you want to put in it?
  10. nofish4u!!

    could it really be..?

    what are you planning on feeding yours? I have pellet food that they seem to really like, but tomorrow I was planning on picking up some other stuff (maybe some frozen). Have you heard of people feeding their's frozen lettuce or something? Thought it was kind of interesting...
  11. nofish4u!!

    could it really be..?

    I'm sure your clowns are good, I've heard of fish doing a lot worse when they are getting acclimated (very normal). It's good that you are paranoid!! It shows you care Seriously, don't worry, I know what you are going through, it is normal what they are doing.
  12. nofish4u!!

    could it really be..?

    Mine was hanging out in the corner, so when I was adding a crab, I put him in the corner where they were hanging out. I think it made them a little nervous that my hand was so close to them and so they moved. Since then, they have been exploring the tank and ever so often returning to the...
  13. nofish4u!!

    could it really be..?

    I added a pair of clowns today and they have been hanging out in a corner (very actively swimming around). I did the proper acclimation and everything, but after a few hours of having them in there I noticed tiny bubbles on them... could this be ick??? I noticed there are a ton of bubbles...
  14. nofish4u!!

    Starting Over what should I do?

    are you anywhere near the Sacramento area? If so, the LFS I go to has LR for $3.79 lb. I spent $550 on it and was an incredible investment. It came with crabs, all kinds of worms, clams, sponges, purple algea, green algea, etc. Every day I am discovering new things.
  15. nofish4u!!

    Question about Heaters for 125g tank

    I have a 120 g and run 2 heaters that are 250 watts each.
  16. nofish4u!!

    I think my tank is cycled. 50%

    Did you test it while the shrimp was in there? If so, what was the ammonia?
  17. nofish4u!!

    Cycling with LR

    I'm new at this, but I have my tank cycling right now and I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but I noticed more hitchhikers coming out when the lights are out (so I've been leaving the lights off). Is this a coincidence?
  18. nofish4u!!

    Clamy situation....

    My tank has been running for about 2 1/2 days now since I put the LR and LS in. I've found all kinds of hitchhikers today, including clams!!!.... do clams actually do anything? Are they beneficial to the tank?
  19. nofish4u!!


    I wouldn't get anymore than the ones you already have. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I was told that if you have more than a few Damsels, they will act like a gang and pick on the other life in your tank. Sounds like you have a good stock already. JMO
  20. nofish4u!!

    Snack Time

    Great pictures! What kind of food are they eating?