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  1. nofish4u!!

    goby/pistol combo?

    I actually bought a pistol shrimp a few weeks back. After I was home, I started thinking about the Watchman Goby that was hanging out with him in the tank at the LFS. The next day I went back to the LFS and bought the Goby. It was so cute when they found each other in the tank! As for your...
  2. nofish4u!!

    Sad day!!!!!

    I'm really sorry for your loss
  3. nofish4u!!

    Sad day!!!!!

    hm... I wish I could help you out. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't wolf eels aggressive towards tangs? I've always wanted a wolf eel, but never got one because I had heard this somewhere.
  4. nofish4u!!

    2 deaths in less than 24 hours!

    Great! thank you very much. I'll be going to the LFS in an hour!
  5. nofish4u!!

    2 deaths in less than 24 hours!

    Its a FOWLR Weird thing is, both crabs were found in the exact same place... I'll check to see if anything fell in and will go the LFS to get the Cal and Alk tested. Thanks. Do you think it would do any good to do a water change also?
  6. nofish4u!!

    2 deaths in less than 24 hours!

    Here are my levels- Salinity- 1.021 Temp- 79 Nitrate- 0 Saltwater rang Ph- 8.0 Nitrite- 0 Ammonia- 0 My tests don't have anything for calcium.... Thanks again for your help!
  7. nofish4u!!

    2 deaths in less than 24 hours!

    Last night I found a dead Sally Lightfoot. I immediately removed it and checked all of my levels- everything was good. Later that night, my boyfriend mentioned he saw my yellow tang swim near my other Sally Lightfoot and the Sally tried to pinch or grab at it. Today, I found that Sally dead...
  8. nofish4u!!

    hi im new

    welcome! I would suggest getting another 60lbs of LR. What are you using as a substrate? Also, has your tank cycled yet?
  9. nofish4u!!


    the question is for anyone. I read in another forum of fish that were doing this kind of behavior and their stomache was bloated. Turned out that the fish had air and sand in them. I wonder if this could have happened to your fish. Opinions anyone?
  10. nofish4u!!

    Sailfin Tangs!!!

    My clowns and tang did the same thing for the first 2 weeks. Just give them time.
  11. nofish4u!!


    :notsure: Are these the same symptoms that fish get when they swallow air or have sand in their belly?
  12. nofish4u!!

    Black Background`

    Both tanks look great! Nice job!!!
  13. nofish4u!!

    Update pics........

    Looks great! I am so jealous!
  14. nofish4u!!

    Clown question

    WHEW!!! Thanks! That makes me feel a lot better! I'll definately check out that book. Thanks a bunch.
  15. nofish4u!!

    Clown question

    Okay, so recently I noticed my clowns were hanging out on opposite ends of the tank. Thinking I could help the situation, I coerced one clown to the other. When they got close, one clown started to float a little side ways and then began shaking! Then the other one did the same!! Are they...
  16. nofish4u!!

    cheating clown...

    About a week ago, I introduced a yellow tang into my tank. The tang was EXTREMELY shy until the other night. Well today I found one of my clowns hanging out and acting playful with the tang. It's almost as if the clown traded in his partner for the Tang... the poor other clown is by herself...
  17. nofish4u!!

    Recommended clean-up crew...

    I would try to best match up with what SWF recomends.. Scarlet Hermit Crab: 20 Blueleg Hermit Crab: 20 Turbo/Astrea Snail: 25 Peppermint Shrimp: 5 Emerald Crab: 5 Coral Banded Shrimp: 1
  18. nofish4u!!

    Any reason not to add cleaner clams?

    Someone please tell me if I am wrong.... but I would definately add them to help out with your parameters. I've heard that clams do not last long and could be eaten by any crabs that you may have, but I've personally had a few clams with much success.
  19. nofish4u!!

    perc clowns

    There is a chance he is stilling getting acclimated and might not eat for another day or two. I know when I first got my clowns acclimated I tried to keep the lights off and keep things very calm around the tank to help ease them in ( this seemed to really help). You are definately doing a...
  20. nofish4u!!

    perc clowns

    I'm so sorry Bailey. Have you done a check on your water parameters? I wish I could offer you some advice for food. Have you tried calling the LFS to see what they were feeding them? Keep us posted. *crossing fingers for you*