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  1. nofish4u!!

    the truth about feeding?

    LOL I swear, just as I was reading your post HE TURNED ON THE DRYER!!!! I can't believe he knows where it is! Thanks for your help I feed my babies (my fish) 2 times a day. I give them formula one pellets in the morning and then feed with frozen or nori strips in the evening. They are...
  2. nofish4u!!

    the truth about feeding?

    Chadman, I feel for you, I really do... How is the rock work today? Ready to start rearranging it yet?
  3. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    LOL I think I'll take the football! LOL
  4. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    LOL yah, I can see how that is true! Well, I'd better get some sleep. Gotta get up in 5 hours. Good luck with that rock of yours! Just let your girl have her way with it.... girls know best!
  5. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    LOL night Jerth! It's been real!
  6. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    LOL yah! That is an understatement! The t.v. is stuck on ESPN. He has so many episodes tivo-ed... what would i do if I didn't have football to watch ... 24 HOURS A DAY
  7. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    LOL yah right - him jumping up and helping out! He's a great guy, but MAN does he HATE cleaning. Thanks for allowing me to get my rolls mixed! I'm tired :notsure:
  8. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    My boyfriend wouldn't know what to do with a vacuum if I put it in front of him!
  9. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    Yah, something is wrong with this! My boyfriend let's me handle the "maintanence" stuff while he picks out the "cool" fish! Highlight of my week is adding to the clean up crew! LMAO. Hey, Chadman... what's your GF number! LOL jk
  10. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    LOL is that how it is suppose to work?!
  11. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    LMAO! 3am and he is obsessing...?!?! haha, man, you need some sleep chadman! LET IT REST! LET YOOOOOU REST! I do agree with you though, it is a lot funnier when it is late!
  12. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    LOL I'm going!
  13. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    ***) this is entertaining
  14. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    LOL - PUT THE ROCK DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    Oh man! I need a scrubber on a stick!!! I don't think I am growing any time soon, so it would probably be a good investment. *LMAO- short people... I'm not too bad! 5'6 is pretty average for a girl!
  16. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    yah it was! You are one deep thinker!
  17. nofish4u!!

    Chadman's tank

    LOL that would be terrible if someone came into my home and started moving things! We should be more considerate!!! LOL
  18. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    honestly, i haven't done it yet. Luckily the powerheads keeps it pretty clean. It seems like it will be a hassel because I'm fairly short (5'6) so I have to stand on a chair really get into the tank. I could be making it out to be a bigger job than it really is. I clean the rest of the glass...
  19. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    Makes sense to me!
  20. nofish4u!!

    First pics of tank!

    LOL yah, I live on Pepsi! LOL I have never really liked the algea on the glass, just a personal preference. Probably as I get more experienced, I will... funny how things change.