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  1. nofish4u!!

    New Tank in Progress Day 1

    Looks great! Keep us posted with pictures as you begin to add fish!
  2. nofish4u!!

    Hungry fish

    I do what my LFS does (they are VERY reputable). They feed small feedings 3 times a day. I have healthy, but plump fish! I make sure to net out anything that does not get eaten. Seems like everyone does something different.
  3. nofish4u!!


    Bristle worms...? If so, I would leave them.
  4. nofish4u!!


    Bristle worms...?
  5. nofish4u!!

    Crab ID

    They looked so mewhat pointy. I took him to the LFS and found out he was a rock crab. Now I know where a few of my fish went..... thanks for your help.
  6. nofish4u!!

    Crab ID

    HAHA! I caught the bugger. Okay.. he is about 2 inches in length and 1 inch tall. His legs are really short but bulky (looks strong). He is a dark brown color and his shell looks really bumpy. The main thing that sticks out are those scary red eyes. I couldn't sleep last night so around 2am...
  7. nofish4u!!

    Crab ID

    Today I found a crab about 2 inches wide, 1 inch tall with red eyes and big pinchers. I've bene looking at all of the hitchhiker IDs but keep coming up short. If I could catch him I would take a picture. I also saw him chasing my yellow watchman. In the past, I have had a few fish come up...
  8. nofish4u!!

    Anyone members form Northern CA.

    HAHA! I'm from Sacramento!
  9. nofish4u!!

    Ick Medication

    I have some Ick medication that is (guessing) around 5 years old. Is it still good? Or should I throw it out?
  10. nofish4u!!

    Tang question. I am so MAD!

    You've got to be kidding.... cycling with a tang and a clown? If you are serious, I think that is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard on this site. Please tell me I read that wrong.
  11. nofish4u!!

    green mandarin dragonet

    How come you wouldn't want to try one? Just curious.
  12. nofish4u!!

    going to cycle with guppies

    Look at his biography "I like to play GOD". Tells you what kind of a genius we are dealing with.
  13. nofish4u!!

    latest pics of my tank!!

    Hey Chadman, I like everything in your tank except you should move that one rock.... HAHAHAHA just kidding. Sorry I couldn't resist! Nice looking tank! You too Jerth!
  14. nofish4u!!

    When should these fish be added - new 150 gallon set up.

    A) Alert - This fish cannot be kept with other Angelfish. Above- that is what it says if you click on Angelfish on this site. Do you think it means species? I had took it as other angelfish in general. I hope it is species, I have been in a delima about what type of angel to get...
  15. nofish4u!!

    When should these fish be added - new 150 gallon set up.

    aren't you only suppose to have 1 angel fish?
  16. nofish4u!!

    Exotic additions...

    My 2 cents- you buy fish, you keep them. Why do people buy fish only to trade them in a few months later? no offense to anyone, just don't understand.
  17. nofish4u!!

    the truth about feeding?

    Yah, I do two SMALL feedings a day. I am really careful about not having any excess food in the tank; have to be or it could result in a mess! LOL about the "hater". You should get her more involved in your tank addiction!
  18. nofish4u!!

    Help new 125gal tank

    Yes, you need to heat the tank. I have a 120g and I use 2 heaters - 250 watts.
  19. nofish4u!!

    Help new 125gal tank

    Get another opinion, but my guess it "yes" you will still need a protein skimmer and I wouldn't recommend mixing CC with LS. Using CC will more than likely cause you problems with nitrates. I would just use your LS and get some LR. Good luck with it!
  20. nofish4u!!

    the truth about feeding?

    How often/much do you feed Jerth? oh and yes... gotta pepsi in hand