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  1. nofish4u!!

    Decorator Spider Crab

    Yesterday I introduced a decorator spider crab into my tank. The LFS said they are "harmless". Today I found my Psuedo practically dead and my six line wrasse in 4 pieces... all near the decorator crab. Should I take him back? Is it just a coincidence that they were near him or did he commit...
  2. nofish4u!!

    Feather Duster and Clown....

    I think my clown is trying to host my feather duster... is this possible?
  3. nofish4u!!

    Heater Size

    I have a 120g and have 2 heaters (one on each side of the tank). I believe they are both 150.
  4. nofish4u!!

    Live rock questions

    Definately sounds like a set up you can have. Live Rock is highly recommended in all tanks because it helps with filtration, etc. IMO he doesn't sounds like a good resource.
  5. nofish4u!!

    Jet issue

    Great! Thanks for your help
  6. nofish4u!!

    Jet issue

    Thanks! It came with a funnel shaped thing, but when I put it on the jet, I noticed the suction increased. Is this the same thing you are talking about or is this something I can purchase at a LFS? Thanks for your help!
  7. nofish4u!!

    Invertebrate Food

    Agreed with Reefnut. I don't feed my inverts anything, they just get the left-overs from the food I feed my fish.
  8. nofish4u!!

    Jet issue

    I have a power jet that has sucked up a number of my fish. I've been fortunate to pull a few fish out of it in time, but I've lost more than I have been able to save due to it. Is there a way to help prevent the fish from getting sucked it? Do stores sell something to prevent this? Any and...
  9. nofish4u!!

    Help! Clownfish is dying

    How long have you had the clowns?
  10. nofish4u!!


    You know when you come home with something new for your tank.. it is just so exciting :jumping: !!!! Today I went to the LFS and bought a decorator crab (it's HUGE), a boxing crab (they didn't even know they had it in their tank and sold it to me for 8.99) and a feather duster.
  11. nofish4u!!

    any traders in sacramento CA

    I also live in the Sacramento area. I go to exotic aquarium and Aqua-life in Rocklin.
  12. nofish4u!!

    How to catch crabs (oh, your silly)

    I caught a rock crab one time by taking a 12oz plastic soda bottle, cut the top off, flipped it around (so the neck portion is facing into the base of the bottle) and put some food inside the bottle. I left in there over night and woke up to the crab eating inside the bottle. Good luck with...
  13. nofish4u!!

    Add Blue Chromis?

    Good post dogstar
  14. nofish4u!!

    Feather Duster

    I thought I saw on a different post that if it falls apart like that, that the FD died/is dying. Definately get a second opinion though.
  15. nofish4u!!

    Feather Duster

    Thanks nYgel, I appreciate your input.
  16. nofish4u!!

    Feather Duster

    This may be a stupid question, but do you need special lighting to keep a feather duster? I would like to get a few and want to make sure I have proper lighting before I purchase. Thanks for any help you can offer.
  17. nofish4u!!

    For those who have/have had a Mandarin Dragonet (any type is oK)

    something weird... my sister has 2 clowns that she has had for over 12 years and she does not do water changes and only feeds them mysis shrimp. They are very healthy and constantly laying eggs. I wouldn't recommend that anyone else only feed their fish shrimp, but I guess it can be done.
  18. nofish4u!!

    My poor Damsel

    I agree, why make a fish suffer when you don't have to. Raw shrimp is the way to go!
  19. nofish4u!!

    Name that hitchiker!

    Poor little critter. I have him in my QT tank and he isn't doing so well. I tried to sell him to the local fish store but they want nothing to do with it.