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  1. nofish4u!!

    Would these fish work together?

    I have a pistol and a cleaner, they get along really well... probably because they stay on different ends of the tank . If you do them both, just introduce them to different sides of the tank.
  2. nofish4u!!

    Live Sand Question

    I've heard the same.
  3. nofish4u!!

    Would these fish work together?

    I've always heard "no more than one fish per week". If you get a goby, I really recommend that you get a pistol shrimp with it. I have a tiger pistol shrimp and a yellow watchman and they have paired up. It's really neat to watch them together. Good luck!
  4. nofish4u!!

    Fish Only Tank

    JMO- I would get live rock and live sand for substrate. Try to stay away from CC (crushed coral). I have a 120 Fish only with LR and I'm loving it. Hopefully you will too!
  5. nofish4u!!

    bragging board!!!!

    My sister had 2 mated pair clowns for 12 years.... YES 12 years. She was moving and so she gave them to me (biggest mistake). I was putting Melafix in my tank and accidently doubled the dose.... I KILLED THEM AFTER HAVING THEM FOR 2 WEEKS
  6. nofish4u!!

    I have crabs!

    Watch out for Rock Crabs! I had one and he ate some of my fish
  7. nofish4u!!

    Nervous about getting first fish!!

    Remember that Lions will probably eat your crabs! Poor little crabs =D Happy fishing and best of luck to you!!! :happyfish
  8. nofish4u!!

    Advice: what would you get?

    My tank has been up for 6 months now (it's a 120g FOWLR). I currently have: 1 Koran Juv. Angel 4 Firefish Gobies 2 Perc. Clowns 1 Yellow Watchman 1 Pistol Tiger Shrimp 1 Cleaner Shrimp 20ish Hermit Crabs 2 Turbos 1 Sally Lightfoot 2 Emeralds 1 Boxing Crab What are some suggestions you would...
  9. nofish4u!!

    Black snail ID?

    That's terrible! I'm really glad you asked! Last thing you need is a whelk in your tank. :mad: :mad:
  10. nofish4u!!

    getting Damsel out of tank

    Good Luck! I had one of those suckers in my tank and it took me 3 hours to get him. Moved all of my live rock to one side of the tank, used 2 nets and cornered him. It was hell! I will never buy one of those again.
  11. nofish4u!!

    dwarf lion

    I was always told that the Lions will eat the crabs, that's why I never got one. Would be nice to find out differently... ?????? Anyone have much success with them?
  12. nofish4u!!


  13. nofish4u!!

    Is it possible?

    HAHA! you should see this thing.. must have been 5-6 inches. When I put my hand in the tank to get him out, he bit me! If you don't like spiders, stay away from this crab!
  14. nofish4u!!

    Help with Yellow Tang

  15. nofish4u!!

    Is it possible?

    Thanks, I will definately keep an eye out. I just thought it was too weird that the day after I put him in the tank, I find 2 dead fish and am missing two others. I have found a mantis shrimp in there before, hopefully I'm not experiencing that again. I figured just in case it was the...
  16. nofish4u!!

    Is it possible?

    My six line Wrasse was shredded and my psuedochromis (purple) was laying between 2 rocks barely alive (died a half hour after I found him) and my damsel and firefish are both missing. I just returned that killer to the fish store
  17. nofish4u!!

    Is it possible?

    I bought a decorator crab yesterday. Today I have 2 dead fish and 2 are missing. One of the fish is shredded... is it possible for the decorator to have done this (he's a huge spider decorator)? I had always heard they were harmless.
  18. nofish4u!!

    Decorator Spider Crab

    Bump, come on people!
  19. nofish4u!!

    Tank looks like hell

    Do you have a skimmer?
  20. nofish4u!!

    Tank looks like hell

    Would it help to keep the lights off for longer? Thought I heard that somewhere. Also, have you tried getting some fighting conchs? Turbos? etc.