Search results

  1. saltfisher

    Changing sand question...

    What is your turnover rate? If you mean with fish. I rarely lose one. However, about two weeks ago I had one die. What type of lighting do you have and what spectrum is it? I use a MarineGlo standard bulb. Nothing fancy. What is your filtration, is there a skimmer? I have two Fluval 404s...
  2. saltfisher

    Changing sand question...

    Yeah, all this algae is coming up lately. My lights are only on from 6pm to midnight. That is not long at all. I was using RO water to stop brown algae and never saw a change, so I stop. I now have like 20 1 gallon jugs that I fill, stresscoat, and let sit until i need to top off the tank...
  3. saltfisher

    How smart are your fish ?

    Well, my Stars & Stripes puffer now lets me pet it. It stays right there and lets me pet it. I think it's cool.
  4. saltfisher

    Changing sand question...

    I have white sand in my tank. Here lately, it gets covered with green and red algae in close to a day, after sturing it around. I want to pull all that white out and go with a dark play sand by quikrete or something. Will I have any problems doing this? It makes the tank look so bad with...
  5. saltfisher


    Always nice, Novice!
  6. saltfisher

    Is anybody afraid of spiders?

    That's a Baghdad Camel Spider
  7. saltfisher


    The new one was great.! The old one was dark and the wasnt that good to me. I didnt even finish watching it all. They say that the clips that are shown in the new movie are actual clips that were taken when looking through the real house. Leatherface ended up escaping after killing the cop...
  8. saltfisher

    Photo contest

  9. saltfisher


    Could use a lil help from his aggressive forum friends.. Click
  10. saltfisher

    Photo contest

    Thanks fellow fishers!!!! CLICK ME
  11. saltfisher

    Orange Shoulder Tangs?

    My old Nurse shark ate my Orange shoulder.:nope:
  12. saltfisher

    Here is my 300

  13. saltfisher

    shark died

    That sucks..I've been there. I once lost a $190 Leopard. Relax Bro, these people know what they are talking about. I learn from each and every one of them.
  14. saltfisher

    tesselata eel gettin' psycho

    My Fimbriated grabs every fish I have in the tank when I drop food in there. He simply goes NUTZ! I really want to film it, he goes wild. It gives me the chills watching it. I often think if that [hr] got out, i'd crush it. I dont see me picking it up. The other night it grabbed the...
  15. saltfisher

    what kind of shark

    Banded Cat is the beginner shark, IMO.
  16. saltfisher

    Pics of Water Test, Is it safe for Green Wolf Eel, and Lion?

    You're missing one. Should be Nitrite, rate, Ammonia, PH..Your Nitrite is good, but it should be baby blue, the top one. The Ammonia is cool. The PH should be 8.2(not shown). Nitrates are hard to get where they need to be. Not sure of the ppm, but is should be a yellowish color. Although...
  17. saltfisher

    What are...

    Flukes? I had a mysterious death and was told that I may have flukes in my tank. I told the person that I run copper..They said that copper can't kill flukes. They told me to get some Famaldahyde(sp?). Anyone know the results of using this chemical?
  18. saltfisher

    Top Filtration For A 150 Gallon

    I have three Fluval 404s and a AquaClear 150 sump on my 180. Water is crystal clear all the time. I have 3 AquaClear Powerheads, too.
  19. saltfisher

    UV sterilizers for aggressive tank??

    I have two 18-watt UVs on my 180. Can't ask for a better device. The damn bulbs are expensive though.