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  1. gsd

    catching wild and putting into tank help

    Now I can understand how you can post almost 500 times and never get the basics of salt water keeping down.
  2. gsd

    Want to buy Coralife SS 65.........

    Bump.......for gods sake go spend the $75 and buy one already!
  3. gsd

    What do you think about the Pope's comments?

    The pope did not appologize twice.matter of fact he never appologized, all he did was merely state hge was sorry for any trouble it caused, and I for one hope the heck he never applogies to those low life dredges of the muslim faith that need to be eradicated like a bad dose of...
  4. gsd

    Want to buy Coralife SS 65.........

  5. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian And yet you are still on here reading and posting :thinking: So your antagonistic posts and replies are to be acceptable yet my posts with my so called attitude are not. Get freaking real dweeb...I am waiting to be me, ban the hell out of...
  6. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    Hey Sepu whatever.BITE MY F'ing ASS right after BETH finishes bitting it. Y'all can have this highly controlled and regulated forum and shove it. I simply do not need it as much as some here evidently do!
  7. gsd

    Returning Dead fish to

    Well, as good as it may be claimed to be, the other places still out do it hands down. Not only do they take a persons word at the death they will ship "FREE" of charge a replacement fish, or credit your credit card back or issue a store credit and their warranty is no questions asked, no bodies...
  8. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    I don't think its my attitude as much as a few folks not likeing what is said which has nothing to do with attitude one bit now does it. ban me who the heck cares I sure don't. Ya all hear something yuou do not like the first thing is you ban them so you can all be control freaks. Its not what...
  9. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    Originally Posted by Beth Forget about GDS, Bill. What else can we help you with? Like I said Beth, your BIASED. Plain and simple. As for Bill if he can;'t follow simple requests or instructions he is doomed. And whose opinion is it any how no one but yours as to what my posts contents...
  10. gsd

    my pepermint shrmp

    No.......It doe snot normally turn colors when getting ready to molt. From what I learned and read it could be a fungal infection or parasite or its possible that its from water parameters not being suitable. Do you do water changes.......what is your alk levels.....Too high of alk can make...
  11. gsd

    more death

    I think you need to figure out why all these fish have died and get a handle on that before looking to bring back more from the coast.
  12. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    I know I may come off sounding like a [hr] butt posts with questions that keep getting asked over and over and reworded and rephrased to suit only the answers the poster wants to hear gets darn old fast. Bill has close to 500 posts and yet he asks such stupid questions that I am sure if he...
  13. gsd

    Coralife Super Skimmer

    There has been more reviews and tips and tricks for CSS skimmers made and yet no one realy reads anything about them or they would not be asking the same stuff over and over and repeating the same old problems......... Your not stuck with having that diffuser box in the location it falls in with...
  14. gsd

    Where can I find a acrylic tank cover?

    Thats one big draw back of bow front tanks is there is not a heap of stuff made to fit them unless you go home brew..........I made hoods to mount my lights in on my 2 16 gal bf tanks. I had a 46 but sold it, but it also had a custom made acrylic hood that looked like it was part of the tank...
  15. gsd

    The Border

    I am missing something ........Just what is racist about closing a countries borders.......A border thats closed is closed no matter what color a person is...........and its not a racial thing nor even remotely in the same catagory.......I think your teacher needs to go back to school to learn...
  16. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    No the waste needs to collect in the cup between 11pm and 6 am for it to make popeye go away! duh!
  17. gsd

    filter replacements for a coralife skimmer

    You can also use sponge. Coralife will tell you that the blue /white double filter batting sold by Marineland will work just fine, and probably even better than their white filter pad. Personally I would just remove it and wash it and put it back in place.
  18. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    Well I find your reply biased Beth.........A skimmer is a not a cureall for lack of responsibility on maintaining proper water parameters, now is it or a substitute to shrug doing water tests. Technology may buy lots of stuff but it can't buy good old fashioned common sense and responsibility...
  19. gsd

    Returning Dead fish to

    Just what everyone needs to do is send dead fish back. I just do not get it. For what they cost you would think that a persons word was sufficient instead of making a complicated more costly affair out of something. Warranties as such are just more of a hassle that they hope most fokks will...
  20. gsd

    trates=popeye skimmer+better wtr quality =no more popeye?

    Evidently all those reasons listed is why you were in such a hurry to buy a skimmer right matter what........Lets just say, spending a heap of money on anything is still not a viable waya of shirking ones responsibility to maintain a system with proper parameters. If your sayin you...