Search results

  1. gsd

    nano suface skimmer?

    I use them on all my smaller tanks and IMHO they work just fine. They do require carefull balanceing between bottom intake and top skim portion, and the tank top off water needs to be maintained proeprly. I did find that its a good idea to put a pair of O rings aorund the stem of the floating...
  2. gsd

    I can't find a dead fish

    ***** normally stocks a fair amount of dead fish!
  3. gsd

    How To Build A Nano?

    Just hang a Aqua Clear 110 hob filter unit modded into a resivoir on the 10 gal anbd be done with it.,The AC110 is a perfectr match to provide mechanical filtration and provide a place to establish a fuge and also provide sufficieint current flow within the tank. Also gives a place to put a...
  4. gsd

    skimmer, light ... mistake

    That 40 paage thread is not what yu state or think it is. Its a thread that was started on the CSs when it ws first introduced, and they had a few problems with them, with the instruction setup being the prime culprit. Its not like there w 40 pages of folks complaining about them. Seems to me...
  5. gsd

    What can i find on the beach, in the water off the coast of florida:Clearwater,Cocoa

    What part about not havbing rock formations and reefs in that region do you not understand? For that matter 99% of all of Florida except for the key area. The only rocks your gonnafind is at bay inlets and they are called jetties, and they can be hazzardous to snorkel or dive around depending...
  6. gsd

    What can i catch off the coast of Florida, east-coast, swimming distance?????????????

    Your going to be in the vicinity of a large bay which has a lot of influence on the water and its inhabitants if yur heading to clearwater. Since the bottom is basically sand, sand and more sand in that region, as is most of rhe offshore areas off east and west florida and the panhandle...
  7. gsd

    1 gallon salt tank??

    It will work and it is not a big deal. All it takes is at least a 1 or 2 pound piece of LR to be fine for bacteria growth. I guess I must have missed the post waring folks that yu have to have a 55 gal min size aquarium if yur gonna play in saltwater stuff, as I never seen it and I have a heap...
  8. gsd

    Coralife Super Skimmer

    If its the CSS65 pitch thsat ball valve betweenpump and skimmer, Its not needed, Run the skimmer pump as high up as possible. I run mine so it creates a vortex on the surface somewhat and also pulls in any surface scum. Matter of fact I do not use that ball valve on any of the CSS line of...
  9. gsd

    VENTING over ***** !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I rthnk the fish ofered by ***** are diverse. Where else do yu find fuzzy varieties of fish like a fuzzy clown, fuzzy goby etc. Heck they even have diverse rare strains of algaes only found in their stores. Whats even rarer is those haf fish that they seem to have a monopoly on. I have seenhalf...
  10. gsd

    found penny in my tank

    I have a hard time buying that a penny is gonna ruin a tank period, I can see it happen and leach out copper if the ph is way low, but if ph is where it should be then no its not going to hurt a thing.
  11. gsd

    whats purpple up™ smells like...

    Purple up to me smells like money going up in smoke. NO need for it ever and my coraline grows just fine.. Proper water changes, SG, temps and light, maintain calcium and alk levels along with all other proper water parameters and coraline will grow just fine. I jump start my coraline growth...
  12. gsd

    skimmer, light ... mistake

    I have a CSS65 in a 16 gal BF which certainly does not look cluttered up. I also run a CSS 65 in a 30 gal cube...I do not use the bubble diffuser boxes, I use sa foasm filter sleeve from a maxi jet or Danner Mag Drive pump.... Beginer opr no beginer, spending money onan itemthat ius easier to...
  13. gsd

    Ordering a skimmer from wich one? HELP

    Originally Posted by Beth Prizms are low-end skimmers that do a decent job for its price. They look a lot better for a HOT skimmer than other HOTs, in that you don't have to submerge pumps into your tank [making it unsightly]. I personally like the RemoraPro skimmer for HOT, but it is rather...
  14. gsd

    Gulf of Mexico Beach Sand?

    I have only reef tanks. It works fine in a reef tank. So if it works in a reef it will also work in a fish only. As to cleaning it, yes, I supose it can easily be cleaned......For one thing, I certainly would not assume just because its bagged and marked for aquarium use its any cleaner than...
  15. gsd

    What can i catch off the coast of Florida, east-coast, swimming distance?????????????

    Evidently renogaw is not familliar with ther typical beaches found off Floridas east coast......unless there is a Jetty your not gonna find much of anything anywhere and even those jetties are questionable.....ya really need to get way out with scuba and a reef or other structure on the bottom...
  16. gsd

    skimmer, light ... mistake

    Being chunky has nothng to do with what was asked does it? There is ways to get that so called "chunky" look to go away too.... AquaC Remora is certainly not worth the price anddoe sno better at skimmng crapout than the CSS 65 does.......and thats the facts. Now if thats important to hold up...
  17. gsd

    Gulf of Mexico Beach Sand?

    Silica bsaed sand does not leach silicates or at least to any point it makes a hill of beans worth of difference.. I have used nothing but sand from the Florida Panhandle since I started fooling with tanks and have never had a problem. Granted its not as good as aragonite but there is nothing...
  18. gsd

    Coralife SS adjustment knob stuck

    I'd still love to know how it could be pushed in to the point that it was not abe to be turned. I still can't see how that can possibly happen. Now if your thinking the knob can be rotated 360 degrees, thats not the case and it needs to be pushed in as far as it goes so it can bump against that...
  19. gsd

    Coralife SS adjustment knob stuck

    All yu had to do was listen to those telling you to do just that.........Its not a complex piece of equipment by any means......and there could not have been anyhting more holding it than friction of an Oring.....on the valves stem.
  20. gsd

    breaking up live rock

    Other than safety glasses just a chisel or old screw driver and regular hammer will do it. Live rock is not very structurally sound and is relatively soft and easy to crack apart. Try to not hit on rock with the hammer itself so it keeps from pulverizing the rock in the process of busting it...