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  1. gsd

    What can i catch off the coast of Florida, east-coast, swimming distance?????????????

    Well unfortunately the majority of beaches on east and west coast of florida is nothing but barren sand bottom. Cast nets would be a big problem on any kind of submerged item on any beach. You may do better to snorkel along some jetties than try and catch any fish suitable for a tank with a cast...
  2. gsd

    does the purple poxy stuff rot??

    Well all epoxy has a shelf life so some may setup and some may not. The best thing to do is mix up a test batch and see if it gets hard. If it does, use it, if not you just saved making a big mess.
  3. gsd

    skimmer, light ... mistake

    Wewll I think your LFS is blowing smoke up your backside in an attempt to make more ,money of you. YOU can get a good skimmer from well under that $200 mark. Probably close to $75 to 90 and that can include shipping if you look hard enough online. Live rock is always a good idea and more is...
  4. gsd

    Mini Compact Fluorescent

    The mini screw in PC bulbs have built in ballasts in the bulbs already, it would not be wise to plug a ballasted bulb into a ballasted socket as such. You'll find the screw in PC type bulbs to be poor choices for most tanks and on a 30 gal I doubt you'll be happy with the results unless you...
  5. gsd


    On for two off for two is not even close to duplicating the lunar cycle....There is certianly much more involed in the process like intensity duration and its not on a 2 week cycle. Lunar lights are for aesthetic purposes only, do not benefit the tanks inhabitants one bit, hust your personal...
  6. gsd

    1 gallon salt tank??

    Sure you can. A yasha hasha goby and shrimp would work perfect in that size container, as would a neon or yellow clown goby.......shrooms are not very demanding when it ocmes to light requirements or even a feather duster or two.......
  7. gsd

    Skimmer Brands

    1. Jebo TRASH 2. Current Mediocre at most 3. Coralife Besyt bang for the buck for a skimmer that actually does a good job 4. Skilter Yet more TRASH always in need of tweeking and fiddling 5. AquaC Over rated and does not do any better skimming than a Coralife does yet it costs more..... 6...
  8. gsd

    keys locked in

    A brick does the job qiute easy or call the lock smith and have them come open the car up. Once you get it open have a spare key made and tie it up under the frame some place out of sight so yu have a spare if the situation ever arises again.........That spare key under a car and tied or wired...
  9. gsd

    5 gal anyone?

    I dunno wjhy ya all have problems with fire fish eating and gobys lasting more than a few months..I sure don't. I feed mainly home made frozen foods and they alldo just fine, and well, all of my gobys are well over a year old now, so I guess according to the above posts saying they do ot live...
  10. gsd

    Seaclone 100 Protein skimmer

    Well......there is certainly more negative stuff posted about Sea Clowns than there is positive. They just are not a good skimmer by any stretch of the imagination. Yes they do work, but they do not usually work without having to play aorund with them continually, and even then they work...
  11. gsd

    5 gal anyone?

    Clown Gobys work fine, as does rainford goby, lots of varous blennys, especially the yasha hasha goby and shrimp pair. Yellow, black, green, citron clown gobies and watchman are good as is neon types. I tend to stick with pepermint or sexy shrimp, astrea snails, or cerith snails, and blue leg...
  12. gsd

    5 gal anyone?

    I haaate to differ weith y'all but I have been running 2 gal or less PICO tanks for over 2 years now and each has at least one fish in it as well as all have inverts, and they do just fine. So yes yu can keep a fish and sometimes even two in a 5 gal or even smaller tank contrary to what folks...
  13. gsd

    Sand Dust??

    Nitrate is not gonna come from sand dust, its going to be a product of organic material such as food and fish wastes.....It can settle in the dust but dust alone is not a reason for nitrates.
  14. gsd

    Should cheato be on a 24hr or reverse light cycle?

    I have some of my tanks with the chaeto getting light 24/7 others only get it 10-12 hours and to me they all grow about the same.FAST
  15. gsd

    ‘Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin dies

    Fool with critters that can hurt or kill you enough and eventually your number comes up. I think a big part of why lots of foks watched his shows was the chance he may get bit or injured. Face it lots of folks are facinated with such things that are hazzardous.
  16. gsd

    Coralife SS adjustment knob stuck

    I still am lost. The red knob sets directly on top of the valve body anyhow so there is no room for it to push anywhere. About all it could have done was "pull" out not in. I would bet my lif eon it that there is no way to push that red knob down any further than it normally sets and yur...
  17. gsd

    CSS 65 adjustment

    Turn the height of the water / bubbles down further so its only about 1" or so above the red retaining ring for the collection cup and the skimmer will skim drier. Its all spelled out inthe instruction sheet how to make it skim drier or wetter as well as the pros and cons of both. If its pulling...
  18. gsd

    diy acrylic overflow on glass?

    Silicone is fine to secure an overflow in, or better yet get some polyurethan adhesive or sealant such as is used in the marine (Boat) industry. Silicone just doe nsot adhere good to plexi but polyurethane does adhere very well and also adheres well to glass. For sometihng internal as such I...
  19. gsd

    what marine plant will help with nitrate? (small size)

    chaeto Pulsing xenia also lis a good nitrate exporter.
  20. gsd

    Yellow watchman goby or Lawnmower blenny

    Don't have a lawnmower but I do have yellow watchmans, and they are easy keepers. They can be skidish and scoot off and hide at any new outside tank movements, but for the most part they basically set there and watch the world goby. I play with mine by poking a finger at it, and it takes off and...