Search results

  1. puff(er) daddy

    Nitrate on the rise

    What changes have you made lately since the increase? You would want to get a reading of 0 to 40 so 50 isn't that bad but they're right when they said water changes. You should have many options at your lfs on nitrate reducers. If you don't have a skimmer get one it helps.
  2. puff(er) daddy

    Berlin Turbo Classic skimmer ?'s

    I have everything set up I want to know if the thing is working properly. How much foam should be in the middle of the collection cup? How much water should come out of the return outlets? I have many questions and the instructions aren't helping a &*&%$%$ bit!!!!
  3. puff(er) daddy

    Fish Compatability

    I'm interested in how long has all these fish been living together because usually puffers and trigger are not compatiable. Usually. It sound like you have enough, if not too much in there now you shouldn't add anything else. If it's been working keep doing it!
  4. puff(er) daddy

    Cloudy water

    First how big is your tank? What type of filteration do you have? Yes, you should be doing water changes more freqent. What are your water readings? Give more info and someone would help you soon.
  5. puff(er) daddy


    Would this be a fish only or reef because in reef tanks water flow is more important than in fish only.
  6. puff(er) daddy

    CC to DSB.. All at once or little by little???

    Well I had sand at first and that I added cc over top of it. So what I did was get an ordinary kitchen food strainer and put it into the water and filled it with the mixture of cc and sand. Then shook it until it was just cc inside of it. Dumped it into a bucket until the cc was gone. I did...
  7. puff(er) daddy

    Southdown makes water Cloudy!!

    Your fish would be fine it takes a couple days to clear up don't worry I went through this same thing. I was wondering is it really worth it. Yeah, the price is good but when I mix my sand up(3" of l/s mixed with SD) it still clouds my tank for a day or two. I added l/s after I had added the...
  8. puff(er) daddy

    skimmer ?'s (could this work?)

    Ok here's my problem I have a 125gal tank and a wet/dry that is equiped for a 90 to 100 gals. It's doing the job so far. I'm trying to add a Berlin Classic skimmer to my set up. I ordered the skimmer without knowing that my sump was't big enough for my Rio 3100(water return) and the pump that...
  9. puff(er) daddy

    l/r survival questions

    thanks for the reply is there anything I can do to speed up this process?
  10. puff(er) daddy

    changing a regular skimmer to a hang-on ?

    I purchased a Berlin Classic Protien skimmer and not knowing what was best for me I have the regular one, when the hang on would best fit my set-up. I can't exchange it without a reciept. I want to know if I can convert the one I have to a hang-on? My problem is that the one I have has a pump...
  11. puff(er) daddy

    brown microalgae

    It's called detritus(sp) it's common in newly set up tanks. You can buy sandsifting stars, turbo snails, mexican snails, etc. Oh, the water you use should not be tap, that also contributs to the break out.
  12. puff(er) daddy

    brown algea covered l/r

    Your right the puffer bothers them constantly. He tips them over and some times I'm not there in enough time. As for "the white stuff" I'll do some research. I have this brown algea problem from a number of things from tap water to not enough water circulation so until I correct the things...
  13. puff(er) daddy

    l/r survival questions

    I just added some l/r to the tank about three weeks ago and I would like to know if it is doing ok or not. How do you know if the rock is dead or alive? Right now it's covered in brown algea.
  14. puff(er) daddy

    protien skimmer set-up

    I just purchased a berlin classic 25-250 gal. I thought the set-up was easy so I asked no questions when I purchased it and now that I'm home I'm in a jam. I have a wet/dry filter I'm not sure if I connect the two or what. Please help!
  15. puff(er) daddy

    brown algea covered l/r

    I'm sorry it took so long to reply I was having troubles with my computer. I failed to mention to you guys and girls that I have a 7inch mappa puffer inside the tank and he's not to happy about new friends. I've tried turbo's a number of times and they just die within a week or two.
  16. puff(er) daddy

    Adding more Live Sand to a tank with fish inside to get a 4" DSB

    Get rid of the cc and use 100% sand. Live sand did not cloud my tank very much when I added it, I added 20lbs at a time. My tank is 125gal.
  17. puff(er) daddy

    Should I use live sand for my entire DSB?

    You can use regular sand(fine) and seed it with your live sand. It would save you money. Do a search on seeding l/s.
  18. puff(er) daddy

    brown algea covered l/r

    I want to know if this is normal because I've just added the 20lbs. of l/r two weeks ago. I've had a problem with the ditritus(sp) before I added the rock. I wanted to make sure that my l/r is safe? I also want to know how would I be able to see if the rock has life on it or not. I did the...
  19. puff(er) daddy


    I've just added 20lbs of lr. I wanted to know if the lr would seed two decorative corals that I have in my tank? The tank is 125gal with 3inches of sand soon to be live( just added 20lbs of ls). I also wanted to know if you would be able to see the critters that live on the lr or not?
  20. puff(er) daddy

    help ID Amiracle wet/dry filter

    Thanks guppie, I knew that it was too small. It's good to know now. I actually havn't added the l/r yet but I'm in the process. Thanks again for the info.