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  1. puff(er) daddy

    cleaning alge

    I'm starting to grow green algea in my overflow box. I know that this is good. I wanted to know should I clean the overflow box? Should I clean the brown algea off the glass of the tank? If so, how often do clean yours?
  2. puff(er) daddy

    Cycling Again?

    Did you add all of the l/r at once? That may be the cause of the huge spike. I'm not sure what the total lbs. per day is but maybe the next person would tell you. Try to add a little at a time and you would have minimal spikes.
  3. puff(er) daddy

    what's the difference?

    I'm going to order some live sand from this site and I was browsing and I saw that a 20lb. box of Premium Florida Keys l/s is $54.99 and a 20lb. box of Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ arogonite- l/s is $39.99. What's the difference besides the prices and which one is best for me I'm going to seed my...
  4. puff(er) daddy

    Mexican snails ?

    Ok, it's 8 o'clock the next day and the snails have not moved yet. So I picked the two up and there were no movement at all. The one that is alive is a darker shade than the others is that a sign? I called the pet store and they said that there is nothing they can do. Although it's only a...
  5. puff(er) daddy

    Mexican snails ?

    I brought three today. They have been in the tank for 7 to 8 hours now and one have since went from the initial spot to the top of the tank. On the other hand two of them remains in the same spot. Is this normal? How can I tell if the two that has not moved is alive or not?
  6. puff(er) daddy

    Harlequin Tusk

    How can you tell the difference between the two?
  7. puff(er) daddy


    What changes have you made to your tank prior to the cloudiness. Ph is 0? What reading do you get from the nitrates? You sound really eager, the best advice I can give you right now is to take it slow. Give a little more info. and someone will help you out soon.
  8. puff(er) daddy

    water problems

    I first started with cc then recently swithched over to sand about 1 month ago. I was told to change the carbon about once a month. b ball is saying to rinse it off once a week but not replace it, if I'm not misstaken.
  9. puff(er) daddy

    Cycled 6 weeks..still Nitrites

    Are you guys saying to rinse your filter sponges in the tank water and not tap? Because I too have had the high nitrite and nitrate spikes and I frequently rinse my sponges in tap water then replace it. I currently have high nitrates.
  10. puff(er) daddy

    water problems

    Sorry b ball for the late reply, but yes I do have carbon in my wet/dry. No I didn't seed the sand yet I'm in the process. What are some inverts that I can add to clean the sand until I add the l/s. Keep in mind that I have an aggressive tank. I just have a 7" mappa puffer in there now but...
  11. puff(er) daddy

    water problems

    I had my tank up and running for six months now and at first I had high nitrites and now that the nitrites are down I have high nitrates. What's the problem I have a wet/dry filter and a small powerhead. One Mappa puffer and about 3 inches of sand. I can't think of anything else right now that...
  12. puff(er) daddy


    When ever I need to know a ? like that I just say to myself "just try your best to similate a setting as if they were in the ocean." So, I give my fish 8 to 10 hours of dark. Some may differ, that's what I do.
  13. puff(er) daddy

    Southdown Sand

    Southdown is a company that produces "tropical" play sand. I payed about five dollars for a 5lb bag of sand from my lfs compared to a 50lbs of Southdown for four bucks. The only thing is that it's mainly sold on the east coast. I found two bags at the home depot two weeks ago and brought one...
  14. puff(er) daddy

    driftwood or not?

    Thanks for the info I kind of knew that I couldn't use it no more but I wanted someone to tell me it was alright. But into storage it goes! Thanks again.
  15. puff(er) daddy

    driftwood or not?

    Does anyone here use driftwood in their tanks? I not too long ago removed mine from my tank because I was having unknown problems. I since found the problems and want to put the driftwood back into the tank. It's a nice piece and I don't want to trash it.
  16. puff(er) daddy

    Don't realy understand

    Everythings included except the pump(yes you will need one).
  17. puff(er) daddy

    newly established tank

    Try carbon rocks and let it run for a while it will clear up. How long has it been running?
  18. puff(er) daddy

    ammonia nightmare II

    Did your tank ever cycle? How long your tank been running? Because I don't know if your ammonia spiked or if it never reached 0. Either way high ammonia will kill your fish so take it very seriously. Reply with more info.
  19. puff(er) daddy

    carbon ?

    How long should I rinse my carbon rocks before adding to the wet/dry? Should I rinse until all the black dye runs off? I also want to know if the black dye is harmful to the fish or not?
  20. puff(er) daddy

    start salt water tank

    Buy a beginners book and learn more about the hobby because it seem to me that you're inexperienced and you would need to post a hundred ?'s before you even begin.