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  1. p fish

    It's still happening!!!!

    Hey Wrass I had a two dot wrasses and I had the same problem. Guess what, I saw him pulling my crabs and snails right out of the shells. So you may have the same problem........
  2. p fish

    Green Bubble Algae

    which fish like bubble algae????
  3. p fish

    Green Bubble Algae

    Just notice some Green bubble algae on a couple pieces my corals and rock. Is this something I need to be concerned with, and should I remove it? Thanks.....
  4. p fish

    Too Much Light

    Sammy thanks for your insight , I was thinking along those lines but I needed someone to tell me I was on the right track.
  5. p fish

    Too Much Light

    thanks all, I guess I will fire them all up and keep a close eye on my corals.......
  6. p fish

    Too Much Light

    Is there ever a such thing as to much light. I just upgraded my 72g bowfront. I had only four 48" vhos 110 each. I added a metal halide 250, 12000k. I want to be able to have all kinds of corals, I don't want to be limited. Is this to much??
  7. p fish

    Red Alge

    I have red alge. What are some of the common causes of Red Alge????
  8. p fish

    Do test kits expire??

    My LFS said they do expire, but I would like to hear that from someone else.......
  9. p fish

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    This is the one :D
  10. p fish

    OT: Other Hobbies

    racquetballer, running, and buying music
  11. p fish

    OT: Where are all of you guys from?

    military Air Force, stationed in Fayetteville NC, I'm sure y'all have heard about this place on the news........that was Army :-)
  12. p fish

    BIG Tank Pics

    Broomer, thats pretty funny :-)
  13. p fish

    BIG Tank Pics

    can you help me on the best way to post pics, most of mine are to big......
  14. p fish

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    can someone give me instructions of the best way to post pics, most of mine don't go......
  15. p fish


  16. p fish

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Jumpfrog, I've done Rhiyad and PSAB....Air Force
  17. p fish


    its been up about 8 months
  18. p fish


    no alge, bad camera...
  19. p fish


    I have finally got this pic thing down. This is my 72g Bowfront, my first time posting a pic. Hopefully this works, if so I will post my 125g later. Also this is a pic of my new clam, my first clam....wish me luck
  20. p fish

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Me in the Desert