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  1. miamishrip

    Couple of Probs in tank

    apparently joes juice rocks - but boiling water from a turkey baster apparently works jsut as well. -
  2. miamishrip

    Couple of Probs in tank

    i wouldnt rush into buying a butterfly - how big is the tank?
  3. miamishrip

    Couple of Probs in tank

    if possible remove the infested rock and put into quarantine and put the peppermint shripm in the quarantine as well - dont feed em and see what happens when they get hungry... cant wait forever to be fed can they? :)
  4. miamishrip

    Dieing Clown fish(Perculas)

    Originally Posted by ddhl Thanks for the reply. What size tank would I need as if my wife would allow. for all those fish? imo at least 125 - prop. more though
  5. miamishrip

    a little help

    are those 'others' LFS employees? personally - i feel a fish doesnt belong in a tank that hasnt been up for 2 months. tests may be fine but we need to be confident that they will stay fine - JMO! :)
  6. miamishrip

    Could someone help identify these please?

    Originally Posted by ophiura Hold on, I would say that is a button polyp, not a pest. Will need more detail to see other things you are referencing though. i agree... most likely a polyp
  7. miamishrip

    can anyone identify this???

    Originally Posted by 2nu2believe yep they do look cool, but do I need to try to get rid of them? I do have alot of them? (maybe 20?) sorry - i was referring to the individual i quoted - that thin gin the PIC i really doubt is a cuke of any kind - the last comment i am almost positive that i...
  8. miamishrip

    cycle done, cleaning crew?

    be careful with the cleanup packages - start with a smalle size one imo
  9. miamishrip

    can anyone identify this???

    Originally Posted by bill109 tht is EXACTLY what mine does.. all day i have no clus what it is its like a white color.. well the tentacle things. its cool. what is it. 2nu2believe. watch it does it move its a small filter feeding cuke - i have one that came in on some LR - looks cool! the...
  10. miamishrip

    125 livestock list

    cool - i have 1 conch wanted to buy one more though they are awesome - i have about 25 hermits 25 snails total - turbos rock in large aquariums.
  11. miamishrip

    125 livestock list

    just curious but whats your cleanup crew / shrimp crew? always like to know what anohter 125g keeper is holding...
  12. miamishrip

    125 livestock list

    these fish are gona get huge - 125 is the minimum tank size for some of thse fish - but when they get bigger the minimum tank size will grow to 180, 210 - i've got a 125 i wanna put a sailfin or a emperor in their so bad but i look at max size and imo i would just feel bad to have that thing...
  13. miamishrip

    peppermint shrimp

    so my peppermint shrimp ATE my 2 pink dwarf featherdusters i just bought - and here i was worried about my arrow crab - so dissappointed - anyone have any experience with this?
  14. miamishrip

    can anyone identify this???

    keep an eye on it for a couple of seconds - do you notice if it puts each tentacle into a 'mouth' then pulls it back out and sticks it in the air again... ? ? if so it may be a small filter feeding cuke... could be some sorta worm though...
  15. miamishrip

    Tank Backgrounds

    125g i use ocean blue. black or blue imo the best ones - bring out more colors in fish and coral
  16. miamishrip

    hey lion you there?

    sorry i'm not lion but the odyssea mh's new models are apparently pretty good and comparable to some higher rated mh's after reading many reviews for the new lights (they had problems in the past) i hve decided to go with them because i am not in the market for $1000 lights.
  17. miamishrip

    How to add garlic when feeding

    awesome - i would like to hear how its done
  18. miamishrip

    How to add garlic when feeding

    im probably wrong but i thought you had to use the stuff called "garlicguard' its like a garlic supplemet you can dip the food in.... maybe you can use the actual clove though... :thinking:
  19. miamishrip

    Live Rock Die Off

    no idea either but i found it more efficient than toothbrush imo
  20. miamishrip

    Live Rock Die Off

    Originally Posted by peckhead make sure u cure the rock if you got it in the mail... i have some kent cleaner stuff that came with a scrub brush to clean off die off. yes a hammer will break the rock kent rockprep? love that stuff