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  1. bbreaux1

    how effective has qt with hypo been for yall?

    my lfs has terrible prices on equipment im better off ordering online.
  2. bbreaux1

    how effective has qt with hypo been for yall?

    yeah thats fine just id rather limit my chances of another ich outbreak if i decide to get another flame angel down the line lfs charges 50$ for them. know any good places to get good rarfractors and how easy are they to use?
  3. bbreaux1

    how effective has qt with hypo been for yall?

    so you havent had any fish get sick in your main takn
  4. bbreaux1

    how effective has qt with hypo been for yall?

    i am planning on qt all new fish using hypo and looks like ill use a 20gal or so rubbermaid container, whisperfilter, and get refratormeter instead of just a floating hydrometer from hearing about thier inaccuracy and considering the accuracy needed for hypo. i was just wondering for those...
  5. bbreaux1

    Bubbles on wall

    how high is your water level that may be causeing it too ive never had this problem or noticed it anywyas
  6. bbreaux1

    order to place in fish

    what if any other types of fish would i be able to add or would my tank pretty much me stocked right there with the eel puffer and trigger
  7. bbreaux1

    order to place in fish

    ive heard from a few people that the yellow tangs are actually pretty hardy
  8. bbreaux1

    monitoring alk during hypo

    ok i got some christmas money so instead of getting a uv sterilizer i am going to set up a qt tank and hypo all my fish before putting them in i figure its cheaper and ill have somewheres to hospital if i ever need to. just wondering if eels and puffers can be safely hypo. also what has been...
  9. bbreaux1

    order to place in fish

    ok for my 55 ive decided to go with a snoflake eel, a small humu trigger, valentini puffer, and a small yellow tang. if this is too much of a load which it prolly is ill leave out the tang or trigger. i know i wouldnt be able to keep the tang or trigger in there for a long time but i plan on...
  10. bbreaux1

    enough filtration

    yeah i know im probibly gonna give him away when i get the other fish
  11. bbreaux1

    transfering from qt to main??

    yeah i was plannin on using a big bag and a small icechest keep it at the same temp as best i could and in the dark
  12. bbreaux1

    transfering from qt to main??

    i was just wondering that i live mainly at school about an hour away from home where my tank is. if i bought a fish where im at for school and quarenteen there would it do any good if i had to bring the fish back an hour and a half to get it into the main tank. im not sure if the person that...
  13. bbreaux1

    need alittle help with set up, selection, feeding

    houma and lafayette you
  14. bbreaux1

    why hypo at just 1.009?

    i was just wondering why is it recommended here that hypo be done only at 1.009 and not above when ive read a few articles on hypo being done in the 1.010-1.011 range.
  15. bbreaux1

    enough filtration

    i have an emporer 400 and a prizm skimmer, 4inch sand bed and 40lbs rock thats been in the tank for a year. is this enough filtration for a toby puffer dwarf lion and snowflake eel? ive heard how messy aggressive fish can be just wanted to be sure i wouldnt have to upgrade filtration.
  16. bbreaux1

    need alittle help with set up, selection, feeding

    if i left out the lion or left out the eel could i put in a small trigger of some type possibly picasso for a year or two or would it grow too fast and become too aggressive in only a 55gal within a year or two
  17. bbreaux1

    need alittle help with set up, selection, feeding

    ive had my 55 tank set up for about a year now had it as a community but ich got me and im letting tank sit for a month and just throwing in some food to feed the star and cleaner shrimp thats in there and keep the biofilter going. im gonna get rid of these once i find my new fish. i am thinking...
  18. bbreaux1

    aggresive tank with sand bed?

    ive got a few hermit crabs,snails, and a brittle star ill see how those do first.
  19. bbreaux1

    tell me something about Lions

    i wouldnt wanna chance it with the flame angel its kinda an expensive meal
  20. bbreaux1

    aggresive tank with sand bed?

    theyll keep it clean but will they stay alive with a lion puffer and eel?