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  1. bbreaux1

    auto topoff

    i use a 2,5gallon gas can thats hooked up to an airpump which is triggered by a diy floatswitch in the tank it works good for my 55 i just fill it up once a week or if i hear that its empty and just pumping out air. no powerhead to worry about buring up adn no drip rate to mess with. only...
  2. bbreaux1

    good overflow or plans for one?

    i undertand the basic design just dont know what sizes i need for certain flowrates and other details
  3. bbreaux1

    good overflow or plans for one?

    im looking to to maybe putting a sump under my tank and was looking into the overflows. i wouldnt mind diying one if i can find some good plans anyone know of some and if not what are some good brands of overfloaws thanks for any help
  4. bbreaux1

    New Bicolour Blennie

    just got mine about a week ago hes been hiding in a little cave comes out now and then. he is gettin alittle braver but still goes into hiding once you get about 3 ft from tank
  5. bbreaux1

    Why are my Mexicans dying?

    i stopped getting the mexican turbos they do a good job but usually dont last longer than a few weeks or months ive had some good luck with the margarita snails there not as big but they sure do move fast and have lasted alot longer i have found
  6. bbreaux1

    what to feed bi color blenny

    only tank mates right now are a cleaner shrimp a margarita snail some hermits and a getting large 4legged green brittle star that i might find a new home for so i can get a smaller one but the bleeny been chasing the start out of whereve he is at. ive been feeding him formula two with garlic and...
  7. bbreaux1

    what to feed bi color blenny

    he at some red algae i put in there and some formula 2 not much but a bit he is still spooky hope he will get alittle braver and sty out when i walk into the room
  8. bbreaux1

    serpent star ate 2 fish

    ive got a green brittle star and never really had any problems of him eating live fish. when my two clowns died they were barely alive on the bottom the star never touched them but as soon as one went the star tried to get it. i do believe it ate two of my fighting conches but i blame that on me...
  9. bbreaux1

    what to feed bi color blenny

    yeha he seems cool hes just still shy right now if i look back from my comp ill see him swim around but as soo as i get up or anything else he darts back to his lil whole its hard to believe how small of a space these guys can hide in
  10. bbreaux1

    what to feed bi color blenny

    just got a bicolor blenny do i need to feed it just seaweed selects and other herbivore flake foor or is it ok to feed it formula one
  11. bbreaux1

    small white things in tank

    these dont move they just stayin a spot
  12. bbreaux1

    small white things in tank

    ive got these small white things growing inside my filter box and behind the powerheads they are about 1/8 of an inch long kinda whitish and clear and looks like they have some small short strings coming off of htem anyone have an idea what htis could be? i know its kind of a vague discription
  13. bbreaux1


    people really do the vodka and shrimp thing. a guy i know takes clients out fishing for his boss and he took this group of asian guys out but they didnt catch anythign and still had some live shrimp so the guys took some shrimp threw them in a pot poured in some greygoose covered it and waited...
  14. bbreaux1

    brown spot on green starfish

    ive got a green brittle start and theres a brown spot on top of him that showed up yesterday. all the waterparemeters are normal with nitrate at about 10 and tank temp at 81. ive had him for about a year and he has really grown alot must be a foot from tip to tip if you could stretch him out i...
  15. bbreaux1

    I want toknow if this is right

    look on ---- 50$ and i think its 6 or 7 more for shipping they are new
  16. bbreaux1

    anyone know about refractometer quality from a few places?

    nope its new im writting back and forth with the guy that sells them sounds like kinda a wholesale thing. he says he supplies a website i was looking at getting one from so im not so sure but ill be checking int o it
  17. bbreaux1

    anyone know about refractometer quality from a few places?

    anyone has heard anything about the ones being sold on ---- for around 50$ im not too trusting of ---- so ill probibly go with one of the 70$ models
  18. bbreaux1

    anyone know about refractometer quality from a few places?

    i found decently priced refractometers at ***********(70$), ***************(70$), and ----(around 50$) and was just wondering if anyone has bought any of theses and what was the quality of them. and considering theres no brand name listed for them except the md one wich is captive purity i...
  19. bbreaux1

    hypo ick problem

    have you seen sucsess with the glass hydrometers? im looking for a refractometer but if these are good enough ill use it instead
  20. bbreaux1

    how effective has qt with hypo been for yall?

    im going to be qting my fish about an hour and a half from home while im at school this transfer shouldnt effect the fish too much if i say put it in a large bag of water into a small igloo icechest or something right?