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  1. grallster

    early stage 120

    Looks awesome! :)
  2. grallster

    COTW:Scroll, cup, pagoda.....

    Hey Sterling, Your cup coral looks just like the Mycedium elephantotus on page 122 of Sprung's Corals--A Quick Reference Guide.
  3. grallster

    Important Nudi info

    Does that include the lettuce Nudi?
  4. grallster

    looking for pump recomendation, and plumbing critique

    I would go with an in sump skimmer and divert the outflow to the fuge portion--less back pressure for the skimmer, and more room in your cabinet. Go with a submersable pump to run the skimmer and maybe even a submersable return pump--that would free up even more cabinet space for an auto top off.
  5. grallster

    What do you think?....

    No problem. Like the positive feedback!
  6. grallster

    Hitch hiker coral ID

    Well it could be Porites, but the polyps look much smaller, just like fuzz on top. It's under 2X250 watt 6500K MH with 440 watts actinics. Maybe I could email you a better pic.
  7. grallster

    What do you think?....

    Yes, the tank is in my temperary bedroom while I remodel my original bedroom. I think I will turn the room into a den with a futon in case of company staying over. Thanks for the nice comments! I've already got one mushroom colony under the arch :) . Dave
  8. grallster

    What do you think?....

    Yes, it is all one separate piece. It is just setting on the two rocks for now, while I decide whether or not to keep it this way. If I do keep it like this, and I think I will, I might try to weave cable ties around the ends somehow. It's surprisingly stable for now.
  9. grallster

    What do you think?....

    The other side.
  10. grallster

    What do you think?....

    Just did the aquascaping in my new 75 gal. How did I do? I'm not quite sure I like it. Does the arch look too un-natural?
  11. grallster

    Hitch hiker coral ID

    No, it's definitely a stony coral.
  12. grallster

    Hitch hiker coral ID

  13. grallster

    Hitch hiker coral ID

    Got this on some Fiji live rock. I thought it was totally dead when I put the uncured rock in my tank about a month ago. It withstood the cycle and started regrowing. Now, the tissue is almost totaly grown back and it is starting to get it's color back. Any ideas on what it is?
  14. grallster

    Clean-up Crew for a 75 gal. reef

    How many of which animals should I get for my 75 gal.? I was thinking of this: 5 Cerith snails 5 Nassarius snails 100 Turbo/Astrea snails 100 Blue legged hermits 1 Lettuce Nudi 5 Sand sifting crabs All for around $130 here at!! Think this will do the trick? Thanks, Dave
  15. grallster

    "Dream Tank"!!!!

    Silicone will definitely NOT form a water-proof bond with acrylic.
  16. grallster

    Cycling with Live Rock.......

    I'd skip the shrimp and just cycle with uncured live rock.
  17. grallster

    Purple Nudi on

    Well I guess we're not hurting them too much by taking them out of nature then.
  18. grallster

    Purple Nudi on

    Did you ever see any of them eating anything? Maybe they are just very short lived creatures, like some bugs or something.
  19. grallster

    Purple Nudi on

    Does anyone know anything about this critter? Is it really reef safe and eat algea like they say? I thought that some of the brighter ones ate coral, or they don't what they eat in captivity.
  20. grallster

    Fish Selection

    I've got a 120 gal. I would eventually move the purple tang into.