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  1. jfarris

    how do you know when an anemone is about to host a clown?

    I just got a carnation anemone two days ago. Today my black and white clown has been burying his nose into the anemone, laying flat in it and wiggling around and then hovering around it, but he seems a little hesitant. Is he asking for the okay? Is he developing a relationship here, what is...
  2. jfarris

    My fish are starving...

    Everytime I feed my tank, (I have a good bit of coral, 3 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint, 1 serpent star, 1 scooter blenny, 1 lawnmower, 2 small damsels, 1 scissortail goby, 1 flame and 2 clownls. All of these fish are small. I feed them cyclopeeze once sometimes twice a day and I feed them mysis...
  3. jfarris

    Please Help With Serpent Star

    I have a serpent star, and he doesn't do much, but if you put some mysis shrimp in there he will go nuts. Ours steals it from our coral. He doesn't do much except when it's feeding time. Ours was missing a leg when we bought it. (we got a discount) it is growing back wonderfully now. I...
  4. jfarris

    Most entertaining fish suggestions?

    My lawnmower blenny is by far my most entertainig fish. I would suggest one of those. I like the scooter as well.
  5. jfarris

    How many tangs can you have in a tank?

    How blue atlantics should be on a tank together? Three? How big do blue atlantics get? What size tank would you need to have blue atlantics?
  6. jfarris

    How many tangs can you have in a tank?

    Do you recommend another tang that would be ok or should those four be plenty? can you have 2 Naso tangs in the same tank if one is a male and one is a female?
  7. jfarris

    How many tangs can you have in a tank?

    of tangs can live together in a large enough tank, if you limit it to just two or three different ones. Thanks for your advice.
  8. jfarris

    How many tangs can you have in a tank?

    How many tangs can you have in a tank, not of one specie, but of all different species. Can you have a Naso, a Chevron, a purple Sailfin, a blue atlantic and clown tang all in one tank if it is a big tank, such as 225 or 250 gallons?
  9. jfarris

    Is this a torch coral?

    I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. The tentacles weren't out, it didn't look like it is suppose to when we bought it. When I said "it wasn't at the store when we bought it" I meant, it wasn't healthy looking. I am an idiot. In the store it was located in their display tank right near...
  10. jfarris

    Is this a torch coral?

    There are a lot of tentacles sucked into the branches. They don't come out very far. I don't think it is very happy. It wasn't at the store when we bought it, I should have known better. Maybe I can nurse it back to health.
  11. jfarris

    Is this a torch coral?

    The person at the lfs told us that it was. However it does not look like any that I have researched. What do you think? And if not, what is it? Thanks in advance.
  12. jfarris

    Talk me out of it!

    Our flame does not bother our corals. And I think it would have plenty of room in your tank. We had a powder blue and it died after only a few days. They really are very sucseptible (sp?) to ick, but they are beautiful. Good luck.
  13. jfarris

    What is this thing?

    I did notice that it was rather quick. Especially for a snail! thank you!
  14. jfarris

    What is this thing?

    Yes he has a hermit crab looking shell, but he's long and he has one long thick "tentacle" that goes straight up. Very strange little creature.
  15. jfarris

    What is this thing?

    Sorry I sent it before the pic was attached. Sorry!
  16. jfarris

    What is this thing?

    I thought it was a snail until I looked more closely. Can you tell what it is? Thank you!
  17. jfarris

    Anyone have a lawnmower blenny?

    Every lawnmower I've ever had has taken a few days to get use to the tank. They eventually come out and are a lot of fun to watch. They lurk in funny places, and if you get a cleaner shrimp, they will make friends with it and allow it to clean him.
  18. jfarris

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    Here is one of our English Bulldogs. Despite the picture, she wasn't really a bad mother. She just likes to sit comfortably. :)
  19. jfarris

    AHA!!! I have PICS, now can you help me identify?

    No, I have tried every setting in every angle. I have taken a million and these are the best ones that I could get to transfer onto this website. Someone in another website said they look like turnicates, I think. Kind of like a sea squirt? I don't know, I"ve never seen anything like them.
  20. jfarris

    Best clowns for bubble tip

    In my experience, the maroon clowns take to the bubble tip anemone immediately. Ours stayed in it, and at all the fish stores we go to, the maroon clowns are always hanging out in the bubble tip.