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  1. bwilson

    The Greatest Newbie Mistakes of All Time

    Ours was just last night dont kill us as it still hurts a bit. My wife went to the LFS again!! Picked up two more bubble tips and placed them in the tank. They kept moving so my wife stayed up with them until 1:30 when she got in bed I asked had they attached she said nope so we went to sleep...
  2. bwilson

    Think its Dead?

    Thanks for your imput. I will not attempt any more carpets if this one goes. Today he was looking a bit better at times I will just have to watch very close. Thanks Again, BW
  3. bwilson

    Think its Dead?

    Well my tank is pretty new not a year old I did start with 250lbs live rock cured and also all live sand but that might not help this. The tank has been up for just over a month. I never cycled. I test my Amm and Rite and Rate every day other day and nothing. My PH stays pretty constant now...
  4. bwilson

    Is my clown fish sick

    Sorry I dont know however I have falce clowns and when they get stressed they create a white film coat on them. When this happens I catch them and put them in RO water for about 2-5min it sounds crazy but has worked every time. BW
  5. bwilson

    Think its Dead?

    We have tried feeding brine, mystid, krill. We might have over fead as we had tried almost every other day. Our flow is somewhere over 2150gph. Tank Info is as follows! BASIC INFORMATION: 150gal Glass Tank 30gal Sump 20Gal Fuge (10lbs live rock, 4 ½ in sand bed) Two T4’s for the return...
  6. bwilson

    Think its Dead?

    Some more info all my readings are normal. The black saddles are still hosting.
  7. bwilson

    Think its Dead?

    THanks here is a new pic from today. BW
  8. bwilson

    Think its Dead?

    bump? Its still sitting with its mouth open? Should I take it out? I cant smell it as it is attached to a rock that I can not take out. I have a new picture if needed any thoughts? BW
  9. bwilson

    looking to trade frags in Los Angeles

    Any pictures?
  10. bwilson

    Think its Dead?

    How do I know if this is dead or diying? It has looked like this for a full day and is not responding to food? Should I get rid of it? THanks, BW
  11. bwilson

    Think its Sick!

    I have some sand snails there are about 30 large ones and about 30 small ones and I have 4 sand star fish. We also have about 50 hermmit crabs, and the ususal turbos . Also we use the magnet cleaner every day on the glass. Well this one seems to be doing fine now I am worried about my other...
  12. bwilson

    Cost Of A 500 Gallon ????

    7500 for a 500 gal? I am almost finished with a 150 and have spent about that much? BW
  13. bwilson

    external pump

    I run two posiden (sp) T4's in my 150. They are rated for 1225gph - 3ft. They are quiet infact no other pump gets close to them. There downfall is that they heat the water and you will have to have a chiller. Also if you are running a small sump like I am and pumping over 2000gph through...
  14. bwilson

    Think its Sick!

    So my wife loves Anemones we have three. We just got our last one about 4 or 5 days ago and it was doing fine until this morning it had deflated. It purked up durring the day so I thought it was fine. Then the same again however its just starting to end the day cycle now (Lights from 11 to...
  15. bwilson

    Moving your tank a foot

    Just a word of advice. If you use the gliders you might want to take them off after the move I have wood floors also and its a great deal of weight to have on (4) small feet. Might dammage the floor BW
  16. bwilson

    Buisness possibility?

    I would have to disagree with most if not all of you. First it is aginst the law without the proper permits depending on where you live. Next almost all the fish in everyones tanks are caught from the ocean. As for the reef most if not all of it is protected and trapping is usually aginst the...
  17. bwilson

    Cost of live rock

    I got a discount when I bought 250lbs of it. BW
  18. bwilson

    moving a tank and cycling

    Add the LR and LS at the same time!!! Let it all cycle or do like me and add enough and you wont cycle. BW
  19. bwilson

    acceptable tests

    I dont know if its ok to post links to other sights here but if it gets deleted just email me and I can give it to you. This link is a very organized format of chemical balance how to maintain it and how to correct it. The best link I have found. BW...
  20. bwilson

    Brown Algea!!!

    I went and got 80 hermmit crabs the small ones. 5 Turbos and 20 sand snails. After my alge was gone I took some back for a credit. They went to town and in three days presto. BW