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  1. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    i am sure thats the problem.. i just go thome from work.. time to operate!!
  2. dapak83

    Tornado And Thunderstorm In Area!!!

    I mean the inverter trick is and should only be for short time / emergency pourposes... not really a long time solution... u can always have an extra batter and use the inverter if its big enough to charge the one that died...... .... i m stupid i think of the weirdest things and they work soo
  3. dapak83

    Must Break down and SELL everything....

    thats $4 a lb shipped? i need it shipped to 08854 NJ
  4. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    yeah i hear it running but not strong... i will take it apart this weekend...
  5. dapak83

    Must Break down and SELL everything....

    how much for the LR... and the PH?
  6. dapak83

    Tornado And Thunderstorm In Area!!!

    get a car battery and a power inverter.. thats my backup for all emergency supplies!
  7. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    yah i m gona order new pumps with my wavemaker today!
  8. dapak83

    ich help

    i got a tang.. from this site... he was clean been in my tank for about a month now and the other day i swore i saw white spots on him... not sure if it is ich every other fish is clean and been in my tank for months! i was thinking cuz the tang loves to hide in this little hole so maybe he got...
  9. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    i got home the pump was on the bed not working... sand was clean and other then the bed being ut of plce... everything look clean and clear! and all the fishes were sleeping where they would normally!
  10. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    so u think i am going to have a problem?
  11. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    well it was like 2 inches deep.. and how do i know the health?
  12. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    55 gal!
  13. dapak83

    ich help

    how quickly cana fish get ich.. in a tank which never had any?
  14. dapak83

    Emergency question!

    one of my PH fell in the sand distrubted the wholw sand bed on my side of the tank.. and it is now not working.... i have aproximatly 7 to 8x turn over rate rite now is it enough for my tank.. and distrubting the sand bed will it cause any spikes?
  15. dapak83

    do cleaner shrimp shed their skin...

    ouch... but i guess its good then cuz my carbs molted before too.... and they are still doing just fine... and now my shrimp... nice!
  16. dapak83

    ich question!!

  17. dapak83

    do cleaner shrimp shed their skin...

    beautiful... because i kinda like that ghostly look!... you know like its there and its not!!
  18. dapak83

    do cleaner shrimp shed their skin...

    this is really funny but the same thing just happened to me... before i saw what i thought was one of my hermits dead... then i saw both of them and i was odly confused... and rite now i just saw my shrimps old shell.... thats so cool!... btw what happend to the old shell if i just let it stay...
  19. dapak83

    Question on a Coralife SS 65 setup

    it sounds just about will stay like that for a while...just be patient... unlike me!! i think mine is finally stating to get going now that i moved it a litle bit lower!....
  20. dapak83

    Question on a Coralife SS 65 setup

    i acctuly had the same problem.. i raised my pump so it was about 1 inch under water...... then the micro bubbles started to come..... my problem was water kept getin in the tube during the initian startup cuz i guess 3 inches was too deep for it... soon as i raised it higher the bubles started...