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  1. rykna

    What am I doing wrong?????

    I'm just using the tubing and the the 2 plastic attachments. Actually it was the DT that was starting to overflow. I think I may have found the problem. After shutting everything off and closing the flow valves to ensure the suction wouldn't pull more water through, I noticed that both of the...
  2. rykna

    Seahorse Full Tank Shots! Post 'Em!

    Originally Posted by meowzer This is where the horses are going tomorrow.... Awesome tank. Some day I'm going to get a drilled tank.
  3. rykna

    Seahorse Full Tank Shots! Post 'Em!

    Originally Posted by novahobbies That looks awesome. I totally want one now. DRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL!!! Me TOO!!!
  4. rykna

    Seahorse vs anemone

    Wonderful!!! Look forward to pics
  5. rykna

    What am I doing wrong?????

    Originally Posted by crimzy What kind of overflow are you using? Is it a U-tube or is the tank drilled? I originally purchase this: But was not able to equalize the flow with this either. I wish it were drilled. It's a simple set up. I'm using the tubes and plastic bars from my old ehiem...
  6. rykna

    Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!

    Originally Posted by errattiq You'll still go through the nitrogen cycle..... cycled LS and LR mean nothing in this case without established water..... If you did then disregard this comment LOL.... Not using established tank water in a new tank will cause die off from both LR and LS because...
  7. rykna

    What am I doing wrong?????

    I am trying to set up a 38g sump for my 15g DT. No matter what I do I cannot seem to get the water flow to equalize. I'm using flow regulators on each flow line. Here's my set up: I put the setup together earlier today. It ran fine for almost two hours, then the flow from the bottom became...
  8. rykna

    Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!

    Originally Posted by errattiq When you set up his tank, did you wait for it to initially cycle? The ammonia levels you're speaking of are reminiscent of a tank that is going through its initial nitrogen cycle... This seems appropriate for the time span between the day you set the tank up until...
  9. rykna

    I Ordered Them!!!

    Originally Posted by meowzer I am not the best pic taker...LOL...Do not have a top of the line digital, BUT I will do my best. I just got confirmation that my food will be arriving tomorrow, so that's good. By the way....How long should I wait before I feed them? I know acclimation time is...
  10. rykna

    Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!

    Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo OK, Rykna, your plan is much better, but don't forget to "store" this bit of ammunition for future confrontations or to throw out when you need to get a dig in. The statute of limitations on these "guilting rights" don't expire until...... NEVER! Sue Way...
  11. rykna

    Seahorse vs anemone

    Glad to hear your horse is still swimming today Do you have any pics yet? It would help to see a full tank pic to get a better idea of your set up.
  12. rykna

    Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!

    Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo And don't forget to make him feel bad and guilty the whole time you're taking over his chores - it's one of the few pleasures we get as wives. Sue However tempting that may be....I am holding Brian to his original request. I will not take over any...
  13. rykna

    Seahorse vs anemone

    Remove your horse A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!! Seahorses are a species only tank. I lost all but five of my dwarf seahorses to evil aiptasia anemones. They infested my tank while I was on vacation, my tank sitter had no idea of the danger my ponies were in. I/we'd be happy to help you get back on track
  14. rykna

    I Ordered Them!!!

    Awesome!!!! Can't wait to see pics of your new horses
  15. rykna

    Ponies V.S Horses

    Originally Posted by SueAndHerZoo My husband is from Miami and his family is still down there. Next time we go visit, I'll bring it with me. Looks like I better get me a tiny tank for the ponies, huh? Can't believe ponies took the lead!!!!! Me thinks Rykna DID find a way to rig the...
  16. rykna

    Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!

    Originally Posted by novahobbies In the end, I wouldn't stress too much about the tank. Try keeping it clean for him, see if it turns his attitude around. If it does, great. If it doesn't........ ......steal that 28 watt corallife light for your own tank!!! ......and Brian, if you're...
  17. rykna

    Ponies V.S Horses

    Originally Posted by nuzz How much are ponies? I've seen horses at some LFS's, but never ponies... so I guess my next question then is where do I find them? Kara Before I get into details~ I want to update you on posting links to other online fish stores. I have been given permission to post...
  18. rykna

    Blue Moon out TONIGHT!!!

    Originally Posted by novahobbies Hey, how is Brian's tank coming? Nosy people wanna know! Not Good....He's starting to forget to feed the 3 damsels. He has started asking me to do water changes, basic tank maintenance jobs, and to cover for other jobs that he forgets to do. As of last night...
  19. rykna

    Seahorse Full Tank Shots! Post 'Em!

    Originally Posted by Cranberry Yes, it's a seahorse tank. Okay.... I'll stop now. More PICS!!!! Is that a bird's nest coral? The little pink branched coral on the bottom right.
  20. rykna

    The Christmas/Thanksgiving/Halloween Horse Tank

    Neato!!! Can't wait to see pics