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  1. seanh287

    Lake county IL I need a babysitter...for a coral

    get a pvc pipe and attach a stocking at the end....put shrimp of somekind of food in there. he should walk in and get caught in the stocking. i caught my sallylightfoot that way. good luck
  2. seanh287

    everything died except the green chromis

    ok thanks for the help, ill wait until at least after xmas, but i will continue water changes and testing my water.
  3. seanh287

    everything died except the green chromis

    how soon can i add more fish now? is there an angel fish that would fit my tank?
  4. seanh287

    thinking about getting 29g biocube

    is there a big difference between the 24g and the 29g? i want to be able to have 2 clownfish, 1 royal gramma, banji cardnal? and a bunch of bottom dwelling fish. ie. gobys and blennies. will this be possible with either of the tanks? also will a light be strong enough to have an anenome where my...
  5. seanh287

    everything died except the green chromis

    sorry about that.... 25 gallon 30 lbs of live rock 35 lbs of live sand hang on filter i use regular tap water with prime its been up for about 3 months the water readings were perfect which confused me.... there are 3 green chromis living, a skunk cleaner shrimp and some snails and hermit crabs.
  6. seanh287

    everything died except the green chromis

    i had a bicolor angel, 2 clownfish, and 1 royal gramma. over the course of 4 days, they all died. what should i do before i add more fish this time? is there some kind of disease in the tank that im going to need to get rid of?
  7. seanh287

    bicolor has black spots on body

    well good news....he's no longer in pain but now my clownfish is in trouble. i think he has ick. its white spots all over his body
  8. seanh287

    bicolor has black spots on body

    update.....something is on looks like he's rubbing his scales off cause hes turning like a grey color, everytime he comes out he has the help me look i feel so bad for him.
  9. seanh287

    cure ich w/o qt

    thanks for your input, i have an 25, if the bicolor survives, i want to get a 55g.
  10. seanh287

    bicolor has black spots on body

    it makes no sense to me, my water levels are completely fine. yesterday i saw some white spots, and figured that the skunk cleaner would clean him up. today, his fins are completely frayed, but ate regulary. i get medication, and he turns black, and looks like desperate for help....he just swims...
  11. seanh287

    moving 25 g to 55g

    i think i caught the ready to upgrade. i want to have more fish in there. i need to use the 30 lbs of sand and 30 lbs of rock from the old tank. and im gonna get another bag of sand and about 30 more lbs of rock. how do i go about doing this cause i still have fish and invertebres...
  12. seanh287

    bicolor has black spots on body

    he has these white spots on his fins, the lfs guy told me it was cotton something disease? i pus treatment in there, but now he turned black and has black spots. i think hes dying. i wish i could do something, hes looks like hes in a lot of pain. i just started my tank, 3 months running, and i...
  13. seanh287

    cure ich w/o qt

    haha yea yea, rub it in. im living the life in myrtle beach going to school with no bills except a 25 gallon aquarium
  14. seanh287

    cure ich w/o qt

    nevermind i see it. do i need a light?
  15. seanh287

    cure ich w/o qt

    how big of a qt should i get?
  16. seanh287

    cure ich w/o qt

    i have live rock in my tank and a a royal gramma,2 clownfish, 3 chromis and snails, a cleaner shrimp, and hermit crabs
  17. seanh287

    cure ich w/o qt

    i dont have the money for a qt, and i cant catch my bicolor angelfish. i need to cure him of ich. can someone help? you can email me at or write on here. thanks in advance
  18. seanh287

    will moving rocks stress or harm the fish?

    i dont think my bicolor has enough room to swim.....can i rearrange the rocks so he has some room? or should i wait for a little. i just put him in yesterday
  19. seanh287

    Bicolor Angelfish?

    i called my fish guy....he had a bicolor on his list. i pick him up tommorow morning right off of the truck i cant wait. i hope i have as much success as you are having.
  20. seanh287

    blue legged hermits and snails kill skunk shrimp?

    well thats why i am still a beginner. this is my first fish tank, fresh or salt. i will watch the flash on acclimation before i get another shrimp, thanks