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  1. thoroughbred

    Strange white specs

    Its been going for about 8 months
  2. thoroughbred

    Strange white specs

    Ya they look just like that! So now what? Are they good or bad? How do I get rid of them If there bad?
  3. thoroughbred

    Strange white specs

    I have recently noticed alot of white specs all over the glass of my 65 gal tank. At first I thought they were just sand but after looking at one up close i noticed there not sand at all. They look like a thin white tube maybe 1/8'' long and there curled up so they look like a tiny white...
  4. thoroughbred

    Damsel Tank..LOL

    I would say probably 5-8. They will probably go quicker than you think considering there so aggressive, a couple would probably die from just getting beat up by the others. It only took my snowflake 3 days to down my damsel. He earned the damsels trust and a day later the damsel was dinner .
  5. thoroughbred

    Diatom Blues

    Sure snails and siphoning will get rid of them for a short time but I want to know how to get rid of them for good. Also thats all my test kit tests for. Since its only a fowlr I didn't opt for those other testers. Anyone else out there that will help?
  6. thoroughbred

    Diatom Blues

    My 65 gal tank has been up and running for about 8 months. At the beginning I would get diatoms on my rocks and sand so for like 4 months I stoped running my lights. I assumed this was because I was using tap water insted of R/O. About a month ago I got a R/O unit and have since done 4 15 gal...
  7. thoroughbred

    Clown Question

    I bought two clowns about a month ago, there doing well in my tank but I have 1 question (may be stupid). I always see people calling there clowns a mated pair. What does this mean? Will two clowns put together always make a mated pair? Do they act different when they are? Also, I havn't run...
  8. thoroughbred

    Just another dwarf lion feeding question. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Thats great to hear! Now that he realizes when you stick your arm in the tank food will be there he should take it every time. Once hes got a taste for food you can try some other ways to feed him (ways that don't get you all wet ). Smooth Sailing from here
  9. thoroughbred

    Just another dwarf lion feeding question. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Watching lions hunt is the best. When I first went to feed my lion ghost shrimp it was tough cause the damsel I had in the tank would kill the ghost shrimp before the lion could find it. So what I did was take some tweezers and grab the shrimp by the tail then put it right in front of the...
  10. thoroughbred

    Just another dwarf lion feeding question. PLEASE HELP!!!

    They all seem fine except you should probably bring your salinity up to about 1.025 or so (for your inverts). And who knows, that may help the lion issue too. Just keep trying, as long as hes showing an interest in live food your on the right track.
  11. thoroughbred

    Just another dwarf lion feeding question. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Keep trying. BTW what are your tank params? When I first got my lion he didn't eat for about a week till I realized my tank was at 72 degrees. I turned up the heater and by the next day he was really interested in food and ate that night. But ya keep trying. If it goes more than maybe 5...
  12. thoroughbred

    New Snowflake...Quick Question

    I haven't seen him breath out of one gill since that day so I'm not too worried and feeding him more often has seemed to help his temper . Hopefully Bozo and King (clown fish), don't go on the menu any time soon.
  13. thoroughbred

    can ghost shrimp live in saltwater?

    The ghost shrimp will live in the tank for a day or two I'm gonna say, but wont live long turn. Whenever I bought them I just kept them in a bucket with the LFS water from the bag, they lived for a week or so...
  14. thoroughbred

    Just another dwarf lion feeding question. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Try using a clear feeder stick (if your not using one already). Wiggle it around the lion and try to make it look alive. Usually once they eat something frozen they will do it again so keep trying, just don't let him starve. A FW fish is better then death IMO
  15. thoroughbred

    Just another dwarf lion feeding question. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Feed it some Ghost Shrimp for a while. I fed them to mine for 2 weeks, just until I knew he was healthy and strong, then I started to switch things up and try different stuff. Or just keep the ghost shrimp on hand so if he doesn't take any food from you you can always toss him a shrimp so hes...
  16. thoroughbred

    Snowflake Eel Question...Again

    So I have a 14-15 inch snowflake I just got this weekend and I was wondering how much and how often to feed him. I ask this because I read in "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" that they should only be fed once or twice a week. I fed him on Saturday (a few pieces of krill), but today when I...
  17. thoroughbred

    Help shed some light on buffers

    So I have a little bit of hobby experience but oddly enough I still don't understand the concept of a buffer. Please help. -Does it raise your PH or does it just make it take longer to decrease? -Is Baking soda a Buffer? -Will Baking soda raise my PH? -Will adding it to the tank hurt...
  18. thoroughbred

    New Snowflake...Quick Question

    So I went and closed the blinds on the window in my room. Came up half an hour later and he was breathing through both again. I opened the blinds back up, left and came back and he was back breathing through 1. So light may have something to do with it. And even thought hes breathing through...
  19. thoroughbred

    New Snowflake...Quick Question

    Do you know anything about him only breathing out of 1 gill?
  20. thoroughbred

    New Snowflake...Quick Question

    So I bought a new Snowflake Eel yesterday. Hes about 14-15 inches long, very healthy looking at the store and eating well. I brought him home and he swam around the tank exploring most of the night. I woke up to find him in the PVC house I made him in the sand. He looked good but when I...