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  1. thoroughbred

    Lionfish Question

    Hello My 2'' dwarf zebra lionfish isn't looking so hot as of late. Ive had him for about a month and since then he seems to be looking weird. First he had some blotchy fading parts on his body, just looked like a patch of skin turning a little white. It seemed to clear up after a while but it...
  2. thoroughbred

    Lionfish Question

    Hello My 2'' dwarf zebra lionfish isn't looking so hot as of late. Ive had him for about a month and since then he seems to be looking weird. First he had some blotchy fading parts on his body, just looked like a patch of skin turning a little white. It seemed to clear up after a while but it...
  3. thoroughbred

    Lexi the longNose Hawk

    Sweet I love hawkfish.
  4. thoroughbred

    Lionfish Question

    Well thanks for all the responses. The last few times I fed him he didn't cough at all so I'm hoping things will be good from here on out. Thanks all
  5. thoroughbred

    silversides going bad??

    If I were you I wouldn't thaw the whole bag. If it comes in a block just break off a piece and thaw it out then feed. It is food after all so it will go bad and or get freezer burn. I know I wouldn't want to eat a bad piece of meat and neither would our lion.
  6. thoroughbred

    Lionfish Question

    The food is thawed first. Its just weird cause he does this with even the smallest pieces. When I give him ghost shrimp there practically twice as big and he gets them down fine. Maybe he just doesn't like krill...?
  7. thoroughbred

    Lionfish Question

    Does he still do it?
  8. thoroughbred

    Lionfish Question

    So Ive had my dwarf zebra for about a month and he seems to be doing ok. I started him off on ghost shrimp and have been weening him on to frozen. The problem is when i feed him the krill he goes for it, sucks it half down and then starts coughing and flaring his gills. Hes been eating the...
  9. thoroughbred

    Do you name your fish?

    Ya I name my fish. I only have two so far but here they are: Blue Devil Damsel - Flash Dwarf Zebra Lionfish - Rocky
  10. thoroughbred

    3rd day with porcupine puffer, still not eating!

    Get a couple of ghost shrimp. Live food should entice him alot more than dead stuff. If your parameters are all ok then he should eat so I'm thinking ghost shrimp is the best bet.
  11. thoroughbred

    Blue Lined Trigger

    My favorite trigger for sure. I have no experience but I would love to have one one day. With the right set up they would be an amazing fish to have.
  12. thoroughbred

    Live Rock

    Heres what I would say to do first. Kick that "maintenance" guy to the curb. Maintaining a 75 gal isn't that much work, you could easily do it yourself, save money and learn alot more. For the lighting your most likely gonna need new lights completely, check how many watts your lights are...
  13. thoroughbred

    How do you make rock?

    Has anyone here actually had success making there own rock. I know when I tried it didn't turn out well. Pretty much wasted a whole bag of argonite...But on the other hand I do still have about a 50 kg bag for portland cement left ....
  14. thoroughbred

    important question

    What isn't considered a snack to an undulated trigger :scared:
  15. thoroughbred

    Fading Lionfish

    Decipher what you can from that blurry pic. The discoloration is on his body near the top. Feel free to try to clear that up for me anyone :joy:
  16. thoroughbred

    Fading Lionfish

    His eyes arn't cloudy at all and he doesn't seem sick or effected by the discoloration at all. Its weird because its only happening on the one side (the opposite side that originally had the discoloration at the store). There were no signs of ich at the store or since I've had him, the store...
  17. thoroughbred

    Fading Lionfish

    Its not ich I know that much. They are larger discolorations, not little white spots. Its a patch of skin about 1/4 inch larger thats more whitish than the rest of him body. The one side doesn't look bad but the other side is like I said blotchy and light colored. Hes eaten in total 2 small...
  18. thoroughbred

    new to salt water fish, help me to decide what fish to get.

    Get as big as your budget and space can handle. A big tank is easier to maintain and gives you more flexibility with the fish you want to keep. Price it all out tho, cause with a bigger tank comes needs for more expensive equipment. Do a little research and you'll be much happier in the end
  19. thoroughbred

    Fading Lionfish

    So Ive had a dwarf zebra lionfish for a week and a half and he has spots on both his sides that are losing color (looking whitish). Hes still active and eats but I'm a little worried. The discoloration seems to be spreading a little on his one side too. When I brought him home from the LFS I...
  20. thoroughbred

    Love spring time!!

    Cool! What do you do with them during the winter?